I let my hand linger for a few minutes before slowly moving it up his leg, closer to his crotch. He glared at me, picking up my hand with his own and moving it away from him before focusing back on the class.

I smirked, turning my focus to Washington, keeping my hands to myself for now. However, that didn't stop me from flashing lustful eyes in his direction, licking and biting my lower lip whenever he looked my way and letting my hands travel across my own body a couple times when he dared to glance any lower than my face.

At one point, Peggy had gotten up to 'sharpen a pencil', which required her to walk past our table. She smoothly placed a sucker on my desk, winking at me before returning to her seat. I looked at her before opening it up and smirking at Hercules.

He noticed this and shifted in his seat, averting his eyes away from me.

I placed the red sucker in my mouth, the sweet taste hitting me instantly. I bit my lip before wrapping my lips around the stick, pulling it from my mouth. A small pop came from my actions, but it was barely audible. Hercules seemed to hear it because he bit his lip and looked at me; instantly regretting his decision. I swirled my tongue around the sucker as he gazed at me, causing him to let out a barely audible groan, causing my smirk to grow.

"Mr. Lafayette." I looked up innocently at the Professor.

"Yes, sir?" Washington had a slight smirk on his otherwise unemotional face. I then noticed everyone in the room watching me.

"Do they normally eat suckers like that in France?" I only smirked, looking from Hercules to Peggy, then to Washington.

"No, sir. This is how they do it in America. Only not just with suckers." My comment caused chuckles from everyone in the class, excluding Washington, who only rolled his eyes, pointing to the trash can.

"Get rid of it. I don't want to see it again." I stood from my chair.

"Yes, sir." I walked across the classroom, high-fiving Peggy as I passed her. I threw the sucker away, walking back to my seat. As I passed Hercules, I ran my hand along his shoulders, smirking. He, however, didn't show any acknowledgment of my touch.

The bell soon rang, and we all filed out of the class as usual. I was almost the last person out, Hercules being behind me. Before I stepped through the door, however, I 'accidentally' dropped my work, making a show out of picking it up before I rushed out of the class.

I quickly made my way to my locker, opening the metal door and shoving my textbooks for my last class in, grabbing the ones for my next class out.

There was a thud on the locker next to mine, signalling someone had leaned against it. I looked over, seeing Hercules. My smirk returned.

"How has your day been, mon ami?" I teased, but he was having none of it.

"What was that about?"

"What was what about?" I kept up my innocent role, getting closer to Hercules.

"You know what." I shut my locker, leaning against it.

"I'm not sure I understand what you're referring to. Can you elaborate for me?" I could tell Hercules was getting impatient, and I was willing to test it.

He slammed his other hand by my face, trapping my body in his.

"I want you in the dorm as soon as classes end. No stopping anywhere, straight to the dorm for your punishment." I let a smirk slide onto my face as he turned to leave.

"Oh, and, Herc?" He turned back to me.

"What, slut?" The name slut only made me more aroused than I already was.

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