She narrowed her eyes at the food and then at Kara. "You know I need to eat too right?"

"Things were a lot more fun when I was the only Kryptonian who needed to eat." Kara groaned. 

Alex smiled. "So aside from this hologram dude what are your plans for the day?"

(Y/n) picked up her fork placing some bits of egg on it before taking a few slices of toast. "Sara and I are staking out Sam before she leaves tomorrow."

Kara waited for the explosion to come, for Alex to physically implode at the news that (Y/n) would be spending time with Sara Lance, the gorgeous hot sassy blonde she hated Sara Lance. 

It never came. 

"I still can't believe you two are really doing this." Alex chuckled. 

"Hey there is something there I can see it, I just need to confirm it before Sara works her magic, no woman can say no to Sara Lance." (Y/n) smiled until Alex turned towards her. "I mean no woman aside from me because I am already very much taken and extremely happy."

Alex nodded placing a soft kiss on her forehead, Kara stared at her brows furrowed. "Okay, what have you done with my sister?"

"Alex just knows that Sara is my friend and I am not looking to replace her with anyone." (Y/n) smiled her (e/c) eyes twinkling happily as she leaned into the woman sat next to her, reveling in the warm comfort she offered. 

Kara turned to Alex. "I still want to kill her but what (Yn) said is true, and if either of us goes down that dark alley we talk about it right?" Alex turned towards (Y/n) who was smiling at her. 

"Yes, it's not always pretty but it is worth it."

"You two are freaking me out."

"Well I'm in a much better mood today I had a very early wake-up call." Alex smiled her eyes dancing with mischief, Kara dreaded the worst. 

"Please do not expand on that I am too innocent to know what it means."

A silence stretched between them for a time, a comfortable silence that gave way to their eating their breakfast and drinking their chosen morning beverages, (Y/n) wincing at the smell that came from Alex's coffee cup that sat far too close to her, Alex moved it to the far end of the table, (Y/n) sent her thank you smile and carried on with her breakfast. 

"I don't know where we are going to start with these holograms. "Kara admitted with a loud sigh. 

"Hmm, it's like they come from nowhere." Alex agreed. 

Something in (Y/n)'s brain sparked with a memory, she hadn't known very much about Lex's route to being a total lunatic, and his headquarters were an almost distant and foreign place but that wasn't to say she had never been there, she was lex Luthor's Sister's best friend/cousin, of course, she had been there, a memory of a tall handsome guy came to her mind, she'd had such a crush on him. 

"The gorgeous guy!" She suddenly shot out, Alex turned towards her outrage in her eyes. 

"Excuse me?"

"No not like that, the guy I liked he was totally hot but Lena liked him too and we would hang around Lex's place all the time when we knew he would be there."

"What are you trying to tell us?" Kara shrugged. 

"Was there any guy you didn't like." Alex huffed impatiently with a jealous gleam in her eyes. 

"That I think I know who it is."


"His name was Kronn he was this mad smart scientist so obviously Lena had more of a chance than me but you know anyone who is allied with Lex is an olive short of a pizza." 

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