Dear Rabbit

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Dear rabbit

your fur is so fluffy and smooth and your eyes glisten in the moonlight sky. Your teeth are clean and healthy and your pink paws smooth and rosey red your cute button nose, silky whiskers.
You drive me insane a desire I can't control your speed is swift and the sound u make is of nothing more as u are a ghost of the night, camouflaged in the crystal snow.

I can't help loving u your everything to me. I chase your bushy white tail as u run as fast as lightning my paws smash into the ground as yours hardly make a sound your the light to my darkness the thing I crave the most. Why won't u love me like I love u don't u understand I will protect u and care for you. I may be a wolf but u will be safe with me. for this blood on my lips is far beyond dry, my claws are blunt and my pack u see I left them behind and the taste of fresh meat I cannot stand nor more. So u see sweet rabbit u will be safe with me..

The Wolf, The Rabbit Where stories live. Discover now