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Zaria woke up early. She dressed and went out before Brittany even got up. She went to the hotel seeing Lucas and Luna waiting. His eyes brighten up as he saw Zaria. She walked over to them and hugged Lucas.

"Jay and I are back on...I think." Zaria said. "I just..."

"Don't doubt it." Lucas sighed. "Yes, I do love you. Yeah it's true that I want you with me but what I want more is for you to be happy."

"Thank you." Zaria smiled. "I hope you find someone who will give you the love you deserve."

Zaria looked at Luna.

"All this time I thought we were truly friends. I told you things that I never told Lucas." Zaria held back her tears. "I guess I'll have to choose my friends wisely next time."

"Here." Lucas gave her the necklace back. "I still want to be friends with you. I think I'd die if I lost you altogether."

Zaria hugged Lucas tightly.

"You fool, you could never lose me." She wiped her tears away.

She took the necklace from him putting it on.

"To a new chapter in our friendship." Zaria smiled. "I gotta go but I'll hang with you later Lucas."

She walked away waving bye to him. Zaria walked took a cab to the pet shelter. She looked up seeing the name of it.

"Jin's pet shelter." I gotta remember that.

She walked in seeing a bunch of people.

"Whoa." She walked through them.

"Oh thank goodness you're here, people just keep coming in." YoungJin said.

"Cooper?..." Zaria heart beat picked up.

"Don't worry, he's safe." YoungJin smiled.

"Good, because he's coming home with me." Zaria said.

She helped YoungJin with the people. After all of that, not many dogs were left.

Zaria sat playing with Cooper. A lady walked in her eyes widened when she saw Cooper.

"How much for him?" She asked.

"I'm sorry, he's my dog." Zaria said as she petted Cooper.

"Aw, do you have any other dogs like him?" She asked.

"No, sorry." Zaria gave her an apologetic look.

"I guess I came too late." The lady sighed. "I wanted to get a daughter a puppy or a dog for a birthday day."

"We have a small puppy, no one wanted her." Zaria stood walking to the back with Cooper following her.

She walked out with YoungJin following her holding the dog.

"She's a Shih Tzu." YoungJin explained. "Her owner dumped her here."

"Aww." The lady pouted. "Can I hold her?"

"Yeah, after we get everything settled." YoungJin said. "Early someone tried to steal a dog."

"Ahh understandable." The lady nodded.

After  registering and paying for the dog she was able to take her.

"Her name is Lila." Zaria smiled. "Please take care good care of her."

"I will." The lady smiled walking out. "Let's go buy some stuff for you."

"Hungry?" YoungJin asked.

"Yeah very." Zaria rubbed her stomach.

YoungJin ordered take out.

"Did you sort things out with Jay?" YoungJin asked. "Also how do you know him?"

"We're old friends and yeah we sorted things out." Zaria smiled.

"By the look on your face I see the outcome was good." YoungJin said.

"Very, I think me and him took a step forward..." Zaria said unsure of herself. "Like we made up."

YoungJin nodded.

"As long as you're happy that's all that should matter. And that he loves you." YoungJin sighed looking out the window.

"Please don't fall for me." Zaria sighed. "I already had a friend fall for me and things didn't end up so well. I just got him back today."

"Him?" YoungJin looked at her with wide eyes.

"Yeah, him." Zaria leaned against the counter looking out the window. "You know I own a vet store back in America."

YoungJin looked at her.

"That's amazing." He smiled.

"I miss it." Zaria sighed. "That vet store is my everything."

"Same with my pet shelter." YoungJin nodded.

The food arrived and there talking changed into eating. Cooper would whine wanting some food too. Zaria would give him some small pieces of chicken.

"These noodles are good." Zaria spoke with her mouth half full.

YoungJin laughed and nodded. The day slowly disappeared.

"Oh shoot." Zaria stood. "I have to meet someone."

She grabbed a leash and put it on Cooper. She opened her wallet but YoungJin stopped her.

"He's yours without money." YoungJin said. "Just take care of him."

"I will." Zaria waved him bye as she walked out with Cooper.

She smiled down at him. After she saw that so many people kept coming in she registered Cooper has hers.

She walked to the main streets trying to wave down a cab. Someone speeding on the bike bumped causing her to fall onto the road she stood ready to move but everything happened so fast.

"Watch out." Someone yelled a little too late.

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