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"Oh thank God you brought our Zaria back to us." Luna pretended to be worried.

Brittany and Zaria got the car.

"Cut your crap bitch." Zaria spat.

"You're really fucked up for what you did. Tearing down someone's happiness." Brittany took in a deep breath to calm herself dow but it didn't work.

"From what Zaria told you, you deserve an ass whoopin'" Brittany walked up facing Luna.

"She deserved it." Luna looked at Lucas. "My brother didn't deserve to have his heart ripped out."

"I didn't do anything." Zaria cried. "It's not my fault I can't love him the way he loves me."

"I wouldn't want my brother to date a whore like you anyways." Luna said.

Brittany took a step forward. Luna pushed Brittany out of way making a charge for Zaria.

"Bitch." Brittany yanked Luna by her hair slinging her to the ground. "I don't know who you're pushing hoe."

Luna grabbed Brittany by the ankle pulling her to the ground. Brittany rolled over kicking Luna. Brittany punched Luna in her face. Zaria walked over dragging Luna by her foot away from Brittany.

Luna stood slapping Zaria in her face. Zaria ran her tongue across her teeth. She then kicked Luna her stomach and slapped her across her face.

"Give up." Zaria said. "You can't fight."

"What the hell." Lucas ran to help his sister. "I know what she did was wrong but beating her up..."

"Shut up." Zaria sniffed.

She took her necklace off handing it to Lucas.

"All I ever wanted to get my first love, my first friendship back." Zaria sniffed. "I can't even look at you. You can blame your sister."

Zaria walked off. Brittany looked at Lucas and Luna. She smiled in satisfaction as she saw Luna's nose bleeding.

"Zaria wait." Lucas called out.

"No dude." Brittany stopped him. "Give her some time."

Brittany went after Zaria catching her before the elevator closed.

"I have an extra bedroom in my house if you want to stay there." Brittany suggested.

"Thanks, I don't wanna cut my trip short because of them." Zaria looked at Brittany. "About Jay..."

"You don't wanna see him." Brittany finished her sentence.

"Yeah, at least just not now." Zaria sighed. "He didn't even give me a chance to explain."

"Dang, I'll beat him up for you." Brittany smiled.

Zaria laughed. They got off the elevator and went to the hotel. Zaria packed her bags. She looked back at the room as she walked out.

Zaria signed out of the hotel and went with Brittany. On the way to her house they stopped getting something to eat. Simon called Brittany three times while they got something to eat. When she got back to her car she checked her phone.

"Oh shit." Brittany mumbled.

"What?" Zaria looked at her.

"He called three times." Brittany looked up at Zaria as she called him back. "He's not even picking up."

Zaria lost in confusion didn't reply back.

"He wouldn't be mad at me." Brittany tried to reassure herself.

They drove back to her house. Brittany turned on her living room lights and walked to the kitchen. She saw a shadow of someone and slowly flicked on the lights. Simon was sitting in the dark drinking.

"I called three times." He looked up at her.

"You know, you're pretty clingy for a guy who isn't dating me." Brittany set her stuff down on the kitchen table. "I told you where I was gonna be so cut the attitude."

"Brittany where's the..." Zaria froze as she saw Simon sitting at the kitchen table.

"You must be Zaria, Jay's girl." Simon stood.

"I'm not his girl." Zaria rolled her eyes. "I thought I was but..."

"Give me sometime." Simon said.

"Time." Zaria laughed.

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