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Lucas groaned getting up. He made sure he didn't have a hard on before getting the door.

He opened the door wanting to cuss his sister out.

"What?" He mumbled.

"We're bored." Luna smiled.

Lucas looked at his sister with an annoyed face. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he leaned against the door frame.

"Why is it that when you and Zaria get bored you come to me?" He asked.

Luna could see and hear that he was annoyed. She looked down at her hands.

"Go out, have fun." Lucas closed the door.

Luna looked up at the closed door. She sighed walking back to Zaria's room.

"He said, go out have fun." Luna sat on Zaria's bed. "Something is bugging him."

"He's probably mad from last night." Zaria mumbled. "I knew I shouldn't have drunk so much."

Luna laughed. She drunk so much that she doesn't even know what happened last night.

"I hope I didn't do anything stupid." Luna laughed.

"Lucas wouldn't have allowed it." Zaria laughed with a smile.

"Come on." Zaria stood. "Let's go to the AOMG building."

"You're not gonna..."

"Yes." Zaria smirked.

They got dressed and headed out. Luna eyed every cute guy that they passed. When they got to AOMG Zaria became nervous.

"I don't think we can just walk up in there..." Zaria looked to see Luna already heading in.

"Luna!" Zaria shouted chasing her.

Luna got far until she bumped into a guy. Her eyes widened as she saw him.

"Sorry." Luna bowed.

"Who are you?" He spoke in Korean.

Luna looked around not knowing what to do.

"Sorry." Zaria ran up grabbing Luna. "We'll be on our way." She spoke in Korean.

The guy smiled.

"Your friend is cute." He said.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." Zaria rolled her eyes.

"What's he saying?" Luna looked at Zaria.

"He called you cute." Zaria told her.

"Thank you." Luna smiled. "You're...handsome, very handsome."

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Ohh do you know Jay Park?" Luna said. "My friend here is..."

Zaria covered up her mouth.

"See you around." Zaria laughed nervously.

She went to walk away with Luna but the guy stopped them.

"Jay Park? You're looking for Jay Park?" He said. "I'm Gray, his friend."

Zaria's eyes widened.

"I believe we met last night." He continued. "I didn't know you were talking about him."

Zaria didn't know what to do. Her beat picked up. She looked around and made a run for it leaving Luna behind. She ran across the street stopping to catch her breath.

"I'm so sorry." Luna looked at him. "My friend is Jay's old friend."

Luna prayed that he could understand her.

"I should go." Luna smiled. "Nice meeting you Gray."

She walked away. Something told her to look back. When she did he was still standing there. He smiled and waved at her. She waved back as she turned the corner leaving his line of sight.

As she walked out she passed a Jay with tattoos. She looked back as her eyes widened in realization. Is that...Jay Park?

Luna saw Zaria and ran to her. She lost her breath somewhere along the way.

"I saw him." She breathed. "I saw Jay."

"Are you serious?" Zaria looked over at the building not seeing him.

As she was staring Gray and Jay walked out. Gray looked over at them and pointed. Zaria turned away fast.

"We need to go." She grabbed Luna's hand.

"I don't get it. You come here to find me, you find him and you don't..." Luna was cut off by someone shouting.

She turned around to see Jay and Gray.

"Let's run." Luna said.

The two ran getting away from them. Once they new they were clear they took a cab back to the hotel.

"Do you think they followed us?" Luna asked as the walked into the elevator.

"Yes." Zaria answered as Luna pressed the number to their floor. "Look."

She pointed as the doors shut.

"Oh shit." Luna gasped.

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It's your life so rule it.

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