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When they reached their floor the girls hurried to the room. The closets room was Luna's so they ended up stuck in her room.

"What are gonna do." Luna panicked. "What if we're in trouble."

"Calm down." Zaria said chewing on her thumb nail as she thought.

"Let's call Lucas." Luna said grabbing her phone.

"No." Zaria stopped her. "He's already angry with us."

There was a knock at the door. Luna and Zaria exchanged looks.

"Yes?" Luna called out.

"I just wanna talk." The person said. "My friend said you were looking for me?"

Luna looked at Zaria. Zaria quickly shook her head.

"I'm sorry I don't know what..."

"Who are you?" Their eyes widened as they heard Lucas's voice.

"I'm Jay and this is Gray." Jay said. "Um it's kinda hard to explain."

The girls heard Lucas chuckle lightly.

"I bet he's also shaking his head too." Zaria said.

The girls ran for the bathroom as they heard the door open.

"Hold on." Lucas said as he walked to the bathroom door. "Come out. Both of you."

The girls stayed silent hoping that Lucas, Jay and Gray would leave.

When the door knob giggled Zaria knew he was getting angry.

"We should..." Zaria whispered.

"No." Luna cut her off whispering back.

Zaria took a deep breath opening the door. Lucas stood on the other side with his arms crossed. He didn't look so happy. She looked passed him to see Jay looking at her wide eyed.

She prayed to God that he remembered her. Even if the time he saw her was when they were teenagers.

Zaria walked out with Luna following her. Gray's eyes landing on Luna. He never looked away from her.

"Za-Zaria?" Jay walked over to her. "It's been so long."

He hugged her with a hug smile on his face. Zaria hugged him back. Tried to keep the tears away but she failed.

"I thought I'd never see you again." He said. "I thought you forgot about me."

"I thought you forgot me." Zaria laughed through her tears. "I missed you so much."

"Me too." Jay pulled away looking at. "You've gotten darker."

Zaria's smile fell.

"That's someone a mixed person never wants to hear." Zaria laughed.

"You can say that again." Luna added.

"How've you been?" Jay asked.

"I've been good. I opened a vet shop." Zaria smiled.

"That's good." Jay nodded.

"I see you're doing big things." Zaria said. "Mr. CEO."

Lucas saw the shine in Zaria's eyes as she looked at Jay. His heart sunk into his stomach.

"I actually have to go but come by the building anytime." Jay hugged Zaria goodbye. "I'm so happy I got to see you again."

Zaria hugged him back with a sad smile on her face.


Jay and Gray left.

"I think Gray likes me." Luna said not sure of herself.

"The way he was looking at you I'd say the same thing." Zaria smiled happily.

"Nice." Lucas mumbled.

Zaria pretended like she didn't hear him. She looked up and smiled at him. Lucas shook his head.

"When I told you guys to go out I didn't...."

"Lucas we found him, be happy for Zaria." Luna smiled. "I know I am."

Is my sister really that blind? Can she not see my heart is aching? Lucas sighed.

"So when are you going to see him again?" Luna eyes lit up.

"You seem more happy about this than I am." Zaria said sitting down.

"I'm happy that my best friend is happy." Luna spoke with a cheerful voice.

Zaria looked down at her half of the best friend necklace.

"Are you guys hungry?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah I can go for some pizza and wings." Luna looked up.

"Sounds good." Zaria nodded in approval.

"Pizza and wings it is." Lucas said.

After a while of finding a place they were able to order and eat.

They used Luna's laptop to watch movies on Netflix. Zaria fell asleep on Lucas's shoulder. He looked down at her. Taking in her looks.

"You know." Luna took a quick sip of her drink. "I know you love her. I know it's hurting you that she doesn't feel the same."

Lucas looked at his sister.

"You've loves her for so long Lucas. As your little sister I want you to be happy, not miserable." Luna sniffed. "For the sake of your happiness let her go."

"I wish it was easy Luna." Lucas reached over wiping his sisters tears away. "I tried so many times nothing worked."

"Oh Lucas." Luna hugged him. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry." Lucas sighed. "As long as Zaria is happy, even if her happiness isn't me. I'm happy."

Luna knew her brother was lying. She sighed and turned her attention back to the movie.

I'm sorry Zaria, but my brothers happiness comes first. Luna clinched her jaw shut.

∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗

Never let anyone come between
you and your happiness

Remember Me / Jay Park fanficWhere stories live. Discover now