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Jay walked up grabbing Zaria by her arm. YoungJin stood immediately taking action by pushing Jay away. He didn't care if the guy was a celebrity or not.

"You don't grab a lady like that." YoungJin clinched his shut.

"Jin..." Zaria went to talk but then she realized he was right. "Thank you, but I got this."

She sighed and looked at Jay.

"Why are you here?" Zaria asked in English. "I thought you didn't want to see me?"

"I was angry." Jay ran his hand throw his hair. "I couldn't stomach the thought..."

"There shouldn't be any thought about it!" Zaria shouted. "I was set up and you fell for the trap."

Zaria held back her tears.

"I loved you for so many years and I hate the fact that despite of everything I still love you." Zaria bit back her tears.

"I was wrong Zaria." Jay sighed. "I should've let you explain but I didn't."

"Why the change of mind?" Zaria said.

"Brittany she..."

Zaria smiled with laughter.

"That girl is something else." Zaria sighed. "I still need time."

"Time for what?" Jay looked at her.

"You wouldn't let me explain, you jumped to conclusions." Zaria said getting angry. "How do I know..."

"It won't happen again." Jay said. "I promise."

"Promises." Zaria laughed. "Promises always get broken."


"Please give me some time." Zaria sighed.

She looked around to see people taking pictures and videos.

"Please go." She sighed.

Jay nodded. He turned away leaving. Zaria fell back onto her chair. She ran her fingers through her hair. The tears slowly rolled down her face. YoungJin held out a tissue.

"I'm not even gonna ask." He said.

Zaria laughed shaking her head.

"Do you wanna finish up here or leave?" YoungJin asked.

"I wanna go play with the dogs." Zaria sighed.

They walked back to the shelter with a few people following.

"Do you guys mind?" YoungJin turned around snapping at the people.

They all rushed away leaving him and Zaria alone. She walked up to Cooper. He stood wagging his tail. She let him out the cage playing fetch with him. Rubbing his stomach.

All her worries went away. She played and petted Cooper.

"Why don't you just adopt him." YoungJin said walking up.

"I was thinking about that." Zaria looked up at him. "Sadly I don't own a house and I just met this girl I'm staying with now...I don't know if she'd be so happy about me bringing a dog to her house."

Zaria sighed petting Cooper has he laid on her lap. She closed her eyes and ended up falling asleep. Zaria woke up cuddling with Cooper. She was covered up with a blanket. She looked to see YoungJin across from her sleeping. She checked the time only to see fifteen missed calls from Brittany and Jay. A shit load of texts from them too.

"Shit." Zaria mumbled. "YoungJin."

"Hmm." He hummed waking up.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep." Zaria apologize. "I gotta go."

Zaria put Cooper back in his cage.

"Let me walk you home." YoungJin stood stretching.

He locked up and they headed off. Zaria walked close to YoungJin. He smiled.

"Your safe." He chuckled.

As they came upon the house Zaria could see the living room light on. She turned and hug YoungJin bye.

"Be safe." Zaria said.

"Are you coming by tomorrow?" YoungJin asked.

"Yes, I'm gonna talk with Brittany to see if I can keep Cooper." Zaria smiled. "Bye."

She watched as she walked off. Zaria walked up the steps. She took a deep breath and opened the door. Knowing it was unlocked she knew she was in for a rude awakening. Brittany stood in the living room tapping her foot angrily on the ground. Jay and Simon were on the phone talking frantically on the phone.

"H-hi?..." Zaria smiled innocently as she shut the door.

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