Dancing in the Dark

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Chase's POV
I sat by my dad's side, astonished at how his health had gotten worse. He had told me that Wonderland was hosting a masked ball and that I needed to go 'to support my country.' He even mentioned that the King of Auradon and his family were coming. That meant that I would see Rose again. So, because of his health, I agreed to go.
That night, I dressed in my finest suit and put a mask on my face. Once I showed my dad, I headed into the night to the ball.


Rose's POV
Evie zipped up my dress and I looked in the mirror.
"Um, Evie, I really appreciate you making this dress, but it isn't me. I don't feel right in it." She looked at me, not in disapproval, but in wonder.
"I knew you would say that, so I made you a new one." She walked to her dress cart and pulled out a new dress.

"Evie, you didn't

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"Evie, you didn't." She nodded.
"I did. Do you like it?" I walked to her and grabbed the dress.
"I don't like it," I said after examining it. She frowned. "I love it, E."
She smiled and pushed me to the bathroom of our hotel room.
"Put it on! And hurry, we have twenty minutes!" She yelped. I hurried into the bathroom and put on the dress. I placed my mask in the right position on my face and slipped my shoes on.
Soon, we were on our way to the masked ball, where I would probably see my first love again.

3rd person POV
When Rose arrived, Chase was already there. He sat at one of the tables until he saw the girl in the purple, knee length dress. At that time, he did not realize who it was, so, oblivious to the fact that his one love was underneath that silver mask, he walked up to her.

Chase's POV
A slow song came on as I walked to the masked girl in the purple dress.
"Um, excuse me," I caught her attention. "Would you like to dance?"
She hesitated before bowing, as you are supposed to when you greet a person. I bowed in return.
"I would love to dance."

3rd person POV
When Chase and Rose's hands touched, they were reminded of the first day they met the other. Instead of making this known, they ignored it, thinking there was no possible way it was the other.
They danced to the end of the song. Then, Ben grabbed a microphone and called the kingdom's attention. Chase then noticed something about the girl, she had similar features to the king. The cheek bones, nose, and hair color were the same.
"Mal, I would like to ask you a very important question." Ben announced, but Chase didn't pay attention. He grabbed Rose's hand and she looked at him.
"Would you think I was crazy if I asked if you could take your mask off?"
"No, I wouldn't, but you have to take yours off first," Rose replied.
For the first time, Chase was scared to show his face, but he did. He slid the mask off his face and Rose gasped.
"Chase?" She asked. She slid her mask off as well and there eyes met. When Mal said 'yes' to Ben's proposal, Rose wasn't watching. She had wrapped her arms around Chase's neck, crying at the sight of her first love. Chase wrapped his arms around Rose's waist and spun her around.
Before Rose could react, Chase had set her down and they locked lips. 
Chase never would have released her if Ben hadn't of showed up.

Rose's POV
I didn't want the moment to end when Ben came up behind us. He announced his and Mal's engagement to me, but I wasn't listening. I turned to Chase.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again. I was worried about you. Where did you go?" I asked.
"Here. My dad, he might be dying." I looked into his eyes. "I want to help you." He smiled that famous Cheshire smile.
I told Ben that I was going with Chase and he agreed. Chase and I hurried to his house, where I found Cheshire Cat lying in bed.
"Dad, this is Rose. She thinks she can help you." I nodded at his dad.
"I just need the flower my stepsister, Rapunzel, has. It's in her tears. I will go to her and get the tears, come back, and you'll be better before you know it."
He nodded. I took out my phone and dialed my stepsister's number. She answered on the third ring.
"Hey, this is Rose. Your tears still heal people, right?"
"Yes, why?" She asked.
"I need some of them. A friend of mine's dad is ill."
"Rose, you realize you have magic that can heal, right?" I forgot about that.
"Well, yeah, I knew that," I stuttered.
"Whatever. Goodnight, Rose."
"Night." I hung up. Chase had a look of disapointment on his face.
"Why so glum?" I asked.
"Because my dad might die, Rose!" I shook my head.
"No, he won't. I won't let him."
"What are you talking about? She obviously refused!"
"No, she didn't. She just reminded me of something." I kneeled beside of Cheshire Cat and grabbed his hand.
"I'm going to need your help,  Chase. This is going to make me weak." He nodded and kneeled beside me.
"What are you going to do?" He asked.
"Just watch." I sat in silence for a minute before I started singing.

Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine

A blinding light came from Cheshire Cat's abdomen. I held on to his hand, the power draining out of me. Chase held my shoulders, but looked away from the light. Finally, the light cleared and I fell back in exhaustion. Chase caught me and picked me up, taking me in another room and setting me on a bed I assumed was his. He laid beside of me after checking on his dad.
"Rose? How did you do that?"
"I have magic, Chase." I replied.
"Thank you."
"For what?" I asked.
"Saving my dad's life." I smiled at the thought. After a few minutes, Chase said, "Go to sleep, Rose."
I positioned my head on his shoulder and fell into a deep slumber.

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