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I started off my day feeling as if something was gonna upset me or piss me off entirely and I was right about that. I have several other works on here and one of them is the product of my freshman and part of my sophomore year so it was by far probably not my best work ever. I based it off of a book by masonfitzzy so I guess I should have realized that right there people would be judging it and criticizing anything that I ca=hanged up or didn't do in a way that they think the author of the original would have. In one chapter the couple was grief stricken and looking for something to blame for the grief, well they chose god. This was used in a way that it would as if someone was trying to blame their pain on something/someone.

 There was no intent of being disrespectful or rude at all. I have received messages and comments about how i am insensitive to people of faith and how i should consider how people will feel about what i write. Yes I write in hopes that my works are enjoyable in some way but I am not going to change my story or what i have planned for it just because someone took it the wrong way.

 I even commented back and messaged back explaining what way it was meant to be used and they still continued with the hate. there are a few who have stuck up for me which i appreciate but it bothers me when I even apologized and they still want to be butt hurt over something that they took out of context.

 I really do not like the fact when i said my book was inspired and based as a continual of the story the way i imagined it they said i changed too much and should have stuck to the plot of the original. I never said it was going to follow the plot exactly it obviously will be different I did not write the original so there is no way i can follow the plot the way the author would have. 

I was like 14/15 when i wrote it there are bound to be flaws within the work. There was a part where one of the characters told her husband that she was pregnant and it would have been impossible for it to be his but at the time i knew about pregnancy but not enough to be able to realize that it was impossible for it to be his. I think i later realized it and decided to add in that she had been raped and that the baby was the product of it, but i am not quite sure. I haven't really looked back at the story but i continue to get the hate. 

If you want to read any of my other works you can find them on my profile and if you read them i will appreciate it. I appreciate constructive criticism don't just say that i shouldn't have tell me what could have been used to make it work out better then feel free to tell me, i do care about opinions that you all have on my work but not when you state it rudely. 

There was one message i got and the user had the biggest god complex and was saying that they would have never wrote that and that they have better ideas for a book and that they don't get any complaints on their works. I get it that I might not  be the best writer ever but I try to do my best.

 I also am writing while at school that's the only time i have a chance to write so I am multitasking while I write most of the time. i can assure that i would not have been able to update as much as I have if it were not finals week and most of my classes being used as a study hall. 

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