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This is fucking bullshit this is another rant brought to you by none other than the amazing author of this work! 

I wore a dress to school today. I made sure that it followed dress code. I went to get my chromebook which required me to slightly bend and my dress went up less than an inch. I got told it was inappropriate and told I had to change when there were 3 other girls there that were wearing shorts shorter than my dress but when that was mentioned the teacher said that their clothes were not an issue but my dress was an issue and only went up a little. I have shorts on under my dress and I have a flannel shirt tied around my waist but it still is too short when all you can see is my knee and lower. I hate this school I've been dress coded over lipstick before by the same teacher saying that my lipstick was too distracting... I got dress coded for a dress that showed less than a cm of my stomach but the girl next to me barely had her boons covered up. I am done this will be my last year at this school even if I have to pay to transfer to a new school out of district. I will not allow my child to attend school at Beardstown because the bullshit that this school allows to go on. They play favorites and they dont hide it at all. Sorry for the rants but I needed to get them off of my chest. XX Hope 

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