Theater Majors are Weird. Deal with it.

Start from the beginning

"Lyon." Gray's face has adopted the same air of seriousness that their mom used when she wanted them to listen, "I can't touch the lava. It would kill me."

"Is my brother is just as insane as the rest of them?" When Natsu, Sting, and Rogue were all challenged by Gray to see who could reach the end of the hallway first, Lyon decided the answer to that was "Yes."

When not a single other resident of their floor defied the game, including Erza Scarlet, the biggest stickler for the rules that Lyon had ever met, he muttered, "Fuck it," and began jumping.

A month into the semester, the day they had all awaited had come. It was time to choose the musical they were doing at the end of the year. With everyone in their grade voting, it should have been more diverse than it was. There were only seven different titles, and five of them were tied for the top. Rather than vote again that day, the administrators decided they'd vote from the five at the end of the month. It was their job to research all of them before then.

Gray didn't think he'd have a problem with any of them, except that he didn't know the last one. "Phantom of the Opera" and "Les Misérables" were classics, and you'd have to live under a rock not to know about "Hamilton" and "Wicked." But the fifth one remained a mystery. "What the hell is 'Heathers'?"

Later that night, Gray had asked the question while his wacky roommates and their friends were all crammed into one dorm room. They were arguing on what movie to watch when his voice cut through the noise. "Does anyone know what that weird fifth musical was?"

"Oh yeah," He heard Loke mumble. The two of them had become fast friends after meeting, but it had led to a lot more trouble than they intended. "I meant to ask about that. It was called 'Heathers' right?"

A single glance around the room was all it took to realize his mistake. Lyon, Erza, and a few others looked horrified, whereas his other three roommates had gained a wild, excited look in their eyes. "Nope. Uh-uh, never again!" His brother shouted. "It's horrifying."

"Excuse you," Natsu muttered, "All musicals have their horrifying moments. Heathers is beautiful." The pinkette looked beyond smug and, "Holy shit. Is he wearing eyeliner?" Gray shook his head gently. "Well that was the gayest thought I've ever had."

Rogue gave Natsu the most deadpan look he'd ever seen, "Did you just make a fucking pun while defending my favorite musical?" When the smug looked turned into the brightest, dorkiest smile ever seen, Gray nearly choked. "Take notes, Sting. That's how you get my attention." Sting spluttered, and Rogue cut him off by kissing his cheek. "I'm joking, dumdum. Natsu's not even my type."

"All I'm saying is don't count out 'Heathers' until you try it," Natsu stated firmly.

If anyone else noticed that his brother looked like he was about to have an aneurysm, they didn't say anything.

"Gray listen to me," Lyon told him the next morning. Sting and Rogue were still dead to the world asleep, and Natsu had gone on his morning run who knows how long ago. "You cannot let them convert you to being Heather's trash."

"I can be trash for multiple fandoms, Lyon."

Gray tried to lightly push him aside, but Lyon grabbed his wrist, "Look, I get it, Gray. Natsu's hot and you think it'll make him like you more," He ignored the odd sound that escaped Gray's lips, "but 'Heathers' is a no go. And don't give me that look. Everyone was staring at him when he tossed his shirt off yesterday. Even me. No one expected him to be as ripped as your stripper self under the baggy sweaters."

"Why can't I argue with that? I'm not even gay? I know I've never liked a girl but-Wait..." Gray glared at his brother intensely, "I'm not a stripper."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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