
684 18 4

Propmt: I swear it won't happen again.

There were things that everyone like to say about Fairy Tail's Salamander, and many of them were true.

He's unnecessarily destructive.

He's stupidly brave.

He's utterly terrifying.

He's truly powerful.

He's absolutely fearless.

Only those close enough to him to know him knew that one of those was complete and total bullshit. Only those who'd been there when he couldn't keep up the facade and broke knew the one true fear that he held close to him.

Natsu Dragneel was mortified at the thought of being abandoned.

When he had first joined Fairy Tail, he was paralyzed by the thought of his new Nakama disappearing the same way Igneel did, so he developed a habit. He would "leave" the guild after the first few people did and watch his guildmates from either above, or by following, to make sure they'd made it home.

Mira was always the last to leave, usually after kicking Cana out, so it was anywhere from just after midnight to four in the morning.

Natsu didn't leave until he knew they made it home, and often time it led to some strange situations.

His sleep deprived mind never wanted to go all the way to his house, so it was rare he made it back there. He usually made himself at home in the nearest house that belonged to one of his Nakama.

When he had to drag Cana home, which happened about once every week and a half, Lucy's house was the closest. The celestial mage seemed to have put two and two together, so Natsu didn't figure she minded all that much.

However, when he followed Mira on he night walk, which changed routes every night, there was no telling who's house he'd crash at.

About a year into joining Fairy Tail, he'd accidentally picked Laxus's house. Needless to say he was immediately electrocuted and asked what the hell he was doing. After an embarrassing explanation and a surprising amount of sympathy from the lightning slayer, he was allowed to leave.

He also once made the mistake of cuddling Erza, only to realize that she like to cuddle just as much. That night felt so much like when the other slayers used to curl into his literal heater of a body that he almost cried.

Erza didn't say anything to him that morning except "Boys aren't supposed to be in Fairy Hills, Natsu." It was said kindly, and Natsu knew that she knew.

It's only happened twice since.

He's actually crashed at the Strauss household a few times as well, but Natsu was an early riser no matter how late he stayed up. They were not.

He was gone before they ever knew.

Sometimes his tired mind would purposely take him to someone's house, and those were the unusual occurrences caused by his second habit: people watching.

He knew everyone's mannerisms to such an exactness that he could tell you precisely what was bothering anyone at any given time. He could tell you why someone seemed just a little more chipper than usual, or if someone had cried three hours ago and the most likely reason the did without there ever being any evidence of it remaining.

He could also see behind even the most perfect facades, like the one belonging to the guild's resident ice mage.

Gray had always been an enigma to Natsu. They were rivals, but Natsu couldn't stand to see him hurting. He hated it when even the slightest sliver of pain appeared in the beautiful navy eyes of his rival.

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