Chapter 31: Ilse Langnar

Start from the beginning

I asked the man his name, and how he was doing.

He seemed to be wary of my questions at first, but then he grew relaxed.

There wasn't much of interest that we spoke, until he mentioned about his amputated arm and leg that caught my attention.

He claimed to have been attacked, and he shuddered when he tried to mention what attacked him.

He was twitching. Mumbling to himself. Making weird noises. Making weird moves.

I asked if he was okay and I was about to call a nurse, when I saw that he had taken control of himself.


At this point, he had caught my attention too much, and I only had 30 minutes left before I had to go.

I took the risk and asked him about the man that was the author of the book.

The man said that he knew him, and told me he had checked out of the hospital.

I asked him where he went after the left the hospital, and the man quickly told me that he had moved houses.

It wasn't exactly clear, but he gave me his address (which I think is not even allowed, but for the sake of the truth) to his new home.

I thanked the man and left, taking the rest of the day to write down what I had collected in this book.

The next day, I left to go to the address.

His new house was a bit isolated, found at the edge of town, near the woods. I reached his door, and immediately smelled something bad.

I knocked on the door repeatedly, but no one answered. I tried to open the door, and was surprised to find it unlocked.

The door opened slowly, before stopped by something with a thud.

The rotting smell grew stronger, and I had figured out where it came from the moment I stepped inside the house.

There on the floor, laid the author, Grisha Jaeger, his body mangled and twisted, his flesh rotting and filled with maggots.

Judging from his wounds, it didn't look like humans were the one that killed him.

I am writing this as I speak and see.

Across the man's rotting carcass, there was an envelope neatly placed. I am opening it as I write.

There's a letter inside it.

I am reading it right now.

Oh god, this is too dreadful. I am writing the contents of the envelope here.


Hello, Dr. Grisha Jaeger

How have you been doing?

I'm sorry to hear that you were unfairly kicked to a mental hospital. It must've been dreadful.

So , I see you've started writing again.

Didn't we have an agreement?

I made you my allie, but you betrayed me.

How could you Grisha?

You already betrayed me once, and I was still able to forgive.

But you tried to betray me again.

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