0010: Sarcastic Gum

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Sarcastic Gum


Time skip: two weeks

SCOTT MCCALL AND STILES STILINSKI WERE in the waiting room- they were waiting go visit Zayla - Although Stiles didn't know her very well he had come for his best friend.

Stiles felt a heavy feeling in his heart, even if they had just been sort of friends, he still felt sad - he still felt the impacts of the accident - he could feel it all around him - it made him realize that one persons life could impact alot of people.

Scott was afraid - he was afraid of walking into the room and seeing her, seeing her there but not really there, it had been two weeks since the accident, Zayla had been picking up memories here and there but not fully.

She had recalled all the names of her friends, but had only seen hazy images of them in her memories - Scott knew he had to be patient.

That she would remember in time - but it still hurt - it hurt seeing her like that knowing he couldn't do anything about it - it hurt alot. But he was thankful that she was alive, that she was okay and that she wasn't dead.

Because even though she didn't remember much - Scott knew that if she had died - he would of died too.



In this Chapter we see a little bit of what Scott is feeling and I also just decided to put Stiles, him and Zayla only talked a bit because of Scott but they weren't close friends not really.

I hope you liked it - see you in the next chapter!


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