006: Hazy Gum

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Hazy Gum


ISAAC LOOKED UP AS the doctor walked up to him, he had a grave look on his face - Sighing he said some words that didn’t reach Isaacs ears.

"We did everything we could, but she might wake up not being able to remember anything."

Isaac's heartbeat faster as the words finally reached his ears, his sister might not be able to remember him - she might not be able to remember all her friends - she might not be able to remember all the memories they shared.

Isaac didn't even register when Scott gripped a little to tightly onto the chair armrests - he didn't even hear how Lydia started crying harder - He didn't even register how Allison broke apart right next to him - he couldn't even see how Derek looked down at the ground with a glare.

All he could hear were the words ringing in his ears - what would he do if she didn't remember? Isaac Lahey would surely crumble apart like a old forgotten cookie.



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