He's My Big Bad Wolf: Chapter 4

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I was having a hard time writing this one, so it might be a little short, but the next one will be extra juicy and extra long(: 

Hope you enjoy! 

After two hours of handshakes, dead conversations, and no mate I was ready to change and run. I was tired of small talk and no one actually listening. They just wanted to see if I would be their mate. Obviously, they didn’t get very far.

Farther than annoyed I was tired, it was way past my bed time and I could barely keep my eyes open.


Turning my head at the mention of my name I saw the first familiar face I had seen in over two weeks. “Henry!” My eyes flew open and my arms wrapped around his neck as I suffocated him with a hug. He was one of the boys on the football team at school. He was friends with Jace, and over the time I dated him I became close to Henry as well. He was only ever a friend though because he had a solid girlfriend, er. Well mate I guess for about two years now.

“I have been trying to get over here to talk to you, but there have been so many other guys talking to you. I need to tell-“

“Bex-boo!” Katie came calling to me and grabbed my hand. “I’m sorry sir but we need to steal away our little mother earth here to get connected to her home lands.” 

Before I had time to ask Henry about Jace, I was in the middle of a clearing with only my brothers, father, Katie, Luna, and Charlotte close to me. “I should take the dress off, right?” I whispered to Katie.

“Yes, that is why we had you wear underwear darling.”

Taking in a sharp breath, I turned so Katie could un zip the back of my dress. Feeling the tug stop, I let the dress fall off my shoulder, then my bare breasts, then watch it hit the ground. I took a step forward away from the dress, giving my self room so I wouldn’t rip it when I transformed.

I knew I should have been freak out by standing partially nude in front of some many people, but I didn’t care. I could feel the moon making my skin shimmer in its light. I could feel everything. I tipped my head back and breathed in the night air, crisp and cool.






My wolf was taking over. I needed to go. I had to.

Then there I was, blond hair now white fur, my hands now paws, and my spine had sprouted a tail. The buzzing feeling I got after changing always made me feel so strong and powerful, I loved it. Raising my muzzle to the moon, I howled so loud I could feel the vibrations ripple through my lungs. Seeing humans, my wolf escaped. Seeking the comfort of the woods.

I passed blurs of tree and animals, the moon lit the forest floor well enough that even my human senses wouldn’t have had a problem getting around. That was until my paw fell into a hole. Suddenly my paw was stuck but my body still wanted to continue its momentum, so I looked like a large snowball as I rolled down a slight hill. Standing up I shook some of the leave out of my fur. I tried to walk but putting pressure of my front right paw was a little too much so I adapted to a funny kind of limp hop.

I did that for a little before making my way to the lake. The way the moon reflected against the water made think about my mom. There was a picture in my fathers study of him and mom holding each other just about where I was sitting with the moonlight behind them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2012 ⏰

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