I motion for Tobias to come and follow me. We move quickly and take long strides as he tells me that the sounds came from the door to the left. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked and we enter with ease. They are in the room and not in bad shape either. Then why was Tobias in such bad shape? If anything he looks defeated and exhausted. We need to get away from this place. We can always come back for Evelyn some other time while she’ll be recovering from the good sized wound I gave her. There’ s no way she’s going to be able to do anything with a bad shoulder. Which reminds me, I still haven’t told Tobias about it yet. 

“Got the knife still Tris?” I nod and hand it over to him. He cuts the restraints off everyone and they get up and thank us. Christina runs up to me and gives me a huge bear hug. 

“Ouch!” I say as she hugs me a little too tightly. 

“Opps. Sorry. I forgot about little Andrew. She laughs a little but I’m still too focused on getting out of here that I find no time to laugh. 

“Everyone, follow my lead.” We all follow Tobias on out the door as we turn corner after corner in the many hallways of the Erudite compound. It’s like a never ending maze. 

Suddenly, we stop. I realize why we stop too. One guard has found us right outside the exit door. What scares me the most is that the guard has his gun pointed right at Tobias’s forehead. The guard says nothing. He’s one of the many mind controlled Dauntless out there, terrorizing the innocent people out there trig to live normally out there. Now it’s like the Abnegation killing all over again. From behind I tell Christina, Jessica and Chris to get down low when I make a move. They not slowly hoping that they understood my low whisper. My leg creeps up by Tobias’s right leg and in one quick swift move I yank his legs back and he falls back and I move around him as a bullet comes out of the guards gun. My hand makes contact with the guards jaw and he falls. I grab his gun, close my eyes, and shoot him square in the head. I don’t look back but only to everyone who fell behind me. They all get up. My plan worked. No one was hurt thankfully. We run without a word said until we make it to an abandoned building a few blocks away. 

I fall to the floor with a sigh of relief that everyones okay. Tobias comes down next to me. 

“Nice plan Tris. I would never thought of that.” 

“Tobias, we have to go back again. Evelyn’s still alive.”

“I’m sure of that Tris.” He talks to me as if i’m stating the obvious.

“I stabbed her.” It echoes in the room that seems to be filled with nothing but space. 

He doesn’t say anything, just stares up at the plain white celling. “You stabbed her?” Says Christina. 

“It’s the only way I could escape. I had to save everyone. I had to.” Tobias’s expression remains the same. He looks lost in another world. 

“Why Tris?” It’s all he says. Out of everything thats what he says. Why Tris

“Tobias, do you not know what she was going to do to you? To me? She was planning on wiping your memory out. Everything you know about me. She was going to kill our child!” I find myself sitting up and begging to scream. “Didn’t she tell you?”


“She lied then.” I say it under my breath. Tobias seems out of it. Like he’s shocked to hear everything all at once. What did they do to him? 

“I’m just glad you’re okay and so if everyone else. Don’t worry, I have a plan. We’ll go back. Trust me and when we do, it’ll be horrible.” It sounds like Tobias again. Like he finally realized what is going on. How much danger we can be in. “We’ll go back soon.” Everyone starts finding a room to sleep in. Tobias and I stay put at where we are. Through a small window at the top of the room celling, we look up out into the moon. A full moon. 

“What did they do to you?” I ask him. 

“I don’t really remember. I think they put me out with some gold serum and that’s the last thing I remember. Tris, I worry about you.”

“I’m fine.” If anything, I worry about him more, for both of us. I kiss the side of his cheek reassuring him that i’m okay. 

“I love you.” He says. I respond with another kiss. 

“I’ll kill them. I’ll every single one of them for touring you. I will and thats a promise.” He turns his head to look at me. His eyes look at me as if they’re on fire as they burn into my soul. He chuckles a little and wraps his arms around me.  He wraps them around my stomach. I feel his breath against the back of my neck which makes have the chills. A warm feeling enters my body.

Before I sleep I hear him whisper one more thing to me.

“I’m glad you stabbed her.” Tobias is back to me. Back to himself. And I’m sure of it this time.    


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I know that you guys were waiting. I was caught up writting my other novel that's completly my own. I don't plan on posting it on Wattpad though. I will continue writting Resurgent! Promise! Who is ready for the Four series?! I pre-ordered mine and seriously can't wait to read it! I have to finish reading The 5th Wave though. For all of you who haven't read it...read it!!! It's such a good book. And if you have an Instagram check my out @bree_drawings46 !!!! I'm an artist as another side thing I do. Follow me:) I'll follow back if you tell me through Instagram:) Happy 4th of July everyone:) Be brave!

Resurgent :Book 4- After AllegiantWhere stories live. Discover now