[7] Family First.

Start from the beginning

"Wow, they look so pretty." Dunia cuts the conversation short by saying, "Oh, no! Mr. Sheikh will be upset if we get to him late. It was nice meeting you."

• • •

"You know you didn't have to ruin my moment with her, she's the heiress to one of the most well-known hotel business." Barqat says annoyed.

"She's married." Dunia blurts out but quickly covers her mouth. Shoot, he's going to kick me out of this car, she mentally scolds herself.

"So? Does it look like I fucking care?" His voice rising.

"I didn't mean anything by that, Sir. I-"

He cuts her off, "Why do you care? Were you expecting to strike up a relationship with me?" His tone getting angrier.

"No, Sir. I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean anything from that." Dunia's voice is shaking from nervousness.

"Shut the fuck up and mind your own business."

The atmosphere in the car went from calm to dark really quickly. The rest of the car ride was quiet, while Dunia kept yelling at herself in her head for saying something so stupid out loud and ruining the friendly path they were going on.

• • •

"Mr. Sheikh! I haven't seen you around the office much. How are things?" Dunia asks Barqat's father.

He smiles, "Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, everything is great. You won't be seeing me as much anymore because I'm in the process of handing my company over to my son."

Dunia frowns, "Oh. That's a pity, your son has no sense of humour."

Mr. Sheikh and Dunia laugh knowing how accurate that is.

"I'm holding a farewell and welcome party next week, I've already invited your family. You will be coming, yes?" He says, looking hopeful. "I want you to meet my wife and daughter as well."

"Yes, of course. I'll be there." Dunia smiles at him. However, she's nervous as most wealthy people hold a certain status and what if his wife and daughter aren't as nice as Mr. Sheikh? And don't get her started on having to see Barqat at the party, he'll probably try to take any chance he gets to embarrass her or make her uncomfortable.

• • •


Dunia turns around to see Barqat calling her. She sighs, what does he want now? "Yes, Sir?"

"Did my father invite you to the party next week?" He asks.

"Yes, he–"

"Don't come." He says monotonously.

Dunia is shocked at his bluntness, "Excuse me?"

"You should really get your ears checked. I said, don't come and don't bring your family."

"Why not?"

"Simple, you're not of our social status. You and your family will only embarrass our family because of your lowly status in society."

Dunia is so flabbergasted that she became at loss for words, "You– I– My God, you really have no respectable bone in your body. The only person embarrassing your family is you, Sir."

"What the hell did you just say?" He curls hand into a fist.

Dunia could tell she really hit a nerve, how dare he disrespect her family like this? Who does he think he is? "Sir, would you like me to book you an appointment with an otolaryngologist? I'll find you the best in the city for your high social status hearing."

Barqat walks closer to her as she walks backward until she became stuck between a wall and him. "You bitch! How dare you speak to me like that?" He punches the space of wall beside her head to make her jump.

Dunia isn't backing down. If this was towards her, she would have listened quietly and moved on with her day, but her family is a different story. "Call me whatever the hell you want, Sir. Lay one hand on my family, and I won't think twice about my words or actions."

Barqat scoffs and grabs her wrist tightly and slams it against the wall, "You think you're all that because you spoke back to me? I can ruin your life and take your job with a snap of my goddamn fingers."

Dunia winces as tears form from her eyes, but still goes on to say, "Do whatever you'd like, Sir. I will come to the party, I will bring my family to honour Mr. Sheikh's request."

Barqat let's go of Dunia, "You do that and I'll make you regret ever stepping into my fucking building in the first place."

Dunia quickly wipes away at her eyes before the tears fall and smooths down her clothes. She doesn't continue the heated argument any longer and says, "Have a good day, Sir." And she walks out.

This angers Barqat, he slams his fists onto the wall. "Dunia Bukhari, I will end your fucking life, that's a promise."

- - -

A/N: ooOoOOo, a sis snapped. 👀

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