
Louis walked out of his fourth lesson and yawned , he definitely did not miss maths . He smiled when he saw Harry standing near the entrace waiting for him , along with Liam and Niall as the three were chatting and laughing .

He approached them and wrapped his arms around Harry from behind , his cheek pressing under his shoulder blade , since he's much shorter . He felt Harry's breath hitching before he let out a small laugh , placing his arms over Louis' , "Hello to you too ."

"Hope you didn't miss me too much ." Louis placed his chin on Harry's back as he looked up at him , Harry's chest rumbled with another chuckle , "Guilty ."

Louis smiled with blush on his cheeks , pressing his face into his spine . 

"Hey Lou , thanks for ackowlendging us ." Liam teased and waved at him , Louis giggled softly and pulled back from Harry slightly , Harry turned around to face him , "Leave my Lou alone , let him have his attention all on me ." He lowered himself and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist , lifting him up in an embrace .

Louis squealed and wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders , "Harryyyy put me down !"

Harry kissed him wherever his lips landed , causing Louis to laugh and squirm in the air .

"Augh , that's disgusting ." Liam rolled his eyes , though Niall next to him was quietly recording the two on his phone , "Let them be , mate , they're in love ."

"Guys come on , it's our lunch break , we're all starving ." Liam sighed , Harry placed Louis down and kept his arm around his waist , "Bloody wanker , we were having a moment ."

Louis pinched his side for cursing , though Harry didn't even flinch , already knowing it was coming since Louis did so every time he swore .


It was the last lesson of the day , and thankfully the four friends were having it together . Louis and Harry were sitting together in the front row next to the window , Niall and Liam right behind them .

Louis was having a hard time focusing , so he pulled out a pen and started doodling in his notebook . He smiled when he felt Harry's warm hand on his knee , giving it a soft squeeze that caused Louis to jerk his leg away due to being ticklish .

Harry scrunched his nose fondly and took his hand away , letting Louis go back to his doodling . 

It was fifteen minutes till the end of the lesson and Louis already filled the whole page with doodles , when the teacher called him out .

"Tomlinson , are you paying attention ?"

Louis looked up at her with wide eyes , blush coating his cheeks at the attention . "U-uhm - I - yes ."

"Doesn't look like it ." The teacher crossed her arms over her chest , "Summer break is over , pull yourself together ."

"Hey , don't talk to him like that ." Harry shot back .

"Stay out of this , Styles . It's his own responsibility , if he weren't busy daydreaming about his homosexual thoughts maybe he would pass this class ."

The whole room fell silent .

"How fucking dare you disrespect him like that !" Harry barked and stood up from his seat , the chair falling back from the force . "He is a human being , treat him like one ."

Louis wanted to react but he was frozen in his seat , barely taking in the scene as tears filled his eyes in embarrassment .

"Who are you to judge him ? Who are you to make comments like this ? How fucking dare you !" Harry raised his voice , Niall and Liam quickly got up from their seats to calm Harry down and comfort Louis .

Larry Stylinson -ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now