When the dawn breaks

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When dawn breaks, the first sigh,
comes from lips tightly clenched.
Like a butterfly flying inside a room,
looking for a way to escape.

If you are alone, if you are weak,
the dawn will undo you.
It has a myrrh, a stillness,
a rebel sun.

A new day, a new river,
on its banks it offers,
all that's lost, all that's been forgotten
and all that no one knows. 

Behind the hills, behind the eyes,
there is a place for you too.
Without Bastille, without anathema,
without the clenched lips.  

Song: Otan Xarazei

Performer: Thanasis Papakonstantinou, Giannis Aggelakas

Album: Vrachnos Profitis

Lyrics: Thanasis Papakonstantinou

Music: Thanasis Papakonstantinou

Label: EGE / Warner Music 

Year: 2000

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