My years were shipwrecked on your shores

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Your breath was my first homeland

and your smell was my first addiction

It's been a long time since I left Thebes

and I wander crippled and blind

Sanctified in the waters of your oblivion

Exhausted by your works and days

I serve next to loves that failed

because my years were shipwrecked on your shores

I give up my miserable body, my wounds

for maniacs and beginners to practice on

My God, how my springs dried up like that

where shipwrecked legionnaires used to quench their thirst

And I will pay for it in time,

the loneliness for all the caresses I asked for

For the love that plunged me into pain

and I ended up crippling you, who I loved

Will anyone remember our name,

the exquisite moons of our lives,

our passions, our sorrows, our sufferings?

Did we ever exist? In our dreams!

TranslationsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz