Chapter 21

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I was trapped in a bathroom stall.

I didn’t really understand how it happened to be honest. One moment I was sitting in class with the sudden urge to pee, so I quickly left to relieve myself. The next, though, I found myself attempting to kick the door open with no such luck because it apparently got jammed or something. It was quite embarrassing actually.

It’s now been fifteen minutes with me still trying to somehow open this darned door. Finally, the door to the bathroom—sadly not my stall though—opened and someone came walking in. They seemed to be walking slowly and quietly, but they didn’t acknowledge the poor girl kicking at the stall.

“Hello? Hey, I need some help here! Please? I’m a bit stuck!” I yelled at whoever entered.

I tried glancing from underneath the stall to see who it was, but all I got to were black tennis shoes with black jeans to match. No way was I going to completely touch this disgusting ground to just see who it was. The girl stopped at the mirror in front of the sink, seeming to fix her make up.

“Hello? Hey you, can you please help me? Do you know how unsanitary this is being stuck here?” I tried again, but with no luck. This girl was completely ignoring me—how rude!

“What can a girl do to get some help around here?” I groaned in frustration while raking my hands through my hair.

I was still glancing at the shoes as they suddenly spun and faced me as if the girl was looking at the stall I was currently trapped in. The girl stood there for another two minutes, and weirdly enough, ambled out of the bathroom without uttering a single word.

Okay, I admit that I was a bit creeped out. What the heck just happened? Why would she come in, turn around, and just leave without helping me? I mean, I didn’t think it was too much to ask, was it? She could have at least got a janitor or someone instead of leaving me stranded here.

Now that it was nearing twenty or so minutes being stuck in this stupid stall, I knew class was going to end soon. I huffed, what kind of fate was this? And to add to it, I didn’t have my phone on me because I left it in my bag which was under my desk. I mean, could you blame me? I only thought I was going to go to the bathroom and be back within minutes, not be trapped like an idiot for twenty minutes!

Finally, I guessed God noticed my ever growing frustration and sent someone to help me out. With clacking heels, the girl who entered paused at the entrance. It might have been just been me, but it sounded like the girl let out a small gasp. I had no idea what for though—was it that tragic that I had been stuck here for nearly twenty-five minutes? Maybe.

“Hello?” I called out, “Do you mind helping me out of this dumb stall?”

“Oops, yeah. Sorry, hold on,” The girl replied, seeming to now realize someone else was in here. For some odd reason, the voice sound vaguely familiar, but I just couldn’t figure out whom it belonged to.

With surprising strength, the unknown girl gave one hard yank and ripped the door open. I breathed a sigh of relief, liking the feeling of being free again, as ridiculous as that sounded. Seriously, free from a bathroom stall. I had to laugh at myself at that though.

It was then that I realized who my rescuer was.


Great luck, huh? This was only our second encounter, but I still felt uneasy around her. It didn’t sit well with me when someone didn’t like me—and it was pretty obvious she didn’t like me, for what reason, I didn’t know.

She seemed to realize at the same time I did—a bit of déjà vu if you asked me—and stiffened at the sight of me. Couldn’t catch a break, could I? Probably not.

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