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A/N: Hello! I would just like to thank you for clicking on this book. :D

This prologue might be a bit confusing for you, I know. Just bear with me, it will all come to play later in the story.

So with that note, ENJOY! Oh, and don't forget to vote too (only if you want) :)

**Unknown POV**


I sat at the kitchen table drinking my coffee and reconsidered my master plan for later tonight. I went over my steps, making sure they were well thought out and that there would be no problems going awry.

I heard another person entering the room. Since I knew my children were out with their friends, I figured I knew who just came in.

"I have a nice surprise for you tonight," I said aloud.

"Oh really? And what might that be?" my wife asked while coming up behind me and wrapping her arms around my chest.

"Now it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now, would it?"

She sighed in return, "I suppose." I just chuckled back.

"You know I love you more than anything right?" I questioned.

"Yes dear, why wouldn't I? We've been married for nearly 18 years now. Why are you asking me this?"

"No reason. I just love hearing you say that to me," I responded.

"Okay, well in that case, I love you more than anything in this world," she lovingly said to me.

"I can think of one exception," I declared with a sly grin on my face.

"Oh yeah? And what might that be?"

"Me," I said and walked over and kissed them with everything I had. In that moment, I knew I could never love anyone else. Right when we were starting to get a little more serious, our oldest child walked in.

"Ew! Guys, can you not make out in the kitchen! Or rather not make out at all? That's disgusting, old people like you don't need to do that stuff," he yelled. He huffed and strutted away, heading up to his room.

We just laughed at his reaction. Sometimes I just couldn't control my laughter when things happened like this.

"Well, I'm off to work, honey," I said.

My wife pouted but grunted a response which I took as an okay and chuckled. I took my coat off the hanger and grabbed the keys off of the counter. I was about to head towards the door but remembered I had to do something before I left. I ran back to the kitchen and planted a kiss on the side of her head and then continued back to my car.

I sighed as I had a depressing thought of probably having to sell my car. My family and I were having money issues that were hard to fix right now. It's upsetting that I will have to sell it to help pay the bills.

I hopped into my car and started it up. At least my family didn't know that I wasn't actually going to work since I cancelled off for the night to run my "errand." That would certainly mess everything up for tonight. As I buckled my seatbelt, I thought to myself, I think I played that off well.


A/N:So here's the prologue! Sorry, this is my very first book ever written, so I apologize for any mistakes and under-developing issues. I don't even think that's a word, but oh well, you get my point haha. Also, I'm sorry that this is short... :P

I know that the description of the book is pretty crappy, and I will probably be changing it. But thank you for at least giving it a try. Well, this is my first story, and let's just say I'm pretty excited to be starting this. I never really liked writing until recently, and I thought I would give it a try. Turns out, I pretty much love it.

This story is all of MY ideas, so please, please, do not steal anything.

Also, since these are MY ideas and whatnot, anything that you find that is similar to a book such as a name that you have already read or are reading, I promise you that it is purely coincidental. I would NEVER dream of stealing someone else's ideas, so that is why I am asking you to not steal mine. 

/Anyway, I'm going to try my best to entertain anyone who reads this, and I will attempt to write as fast as I can to keep you from straying away from this book. This is my book therefore, these are all my ideas, except I may have some help from kkhaas, but you will know when she has contributed.

I would also like to clear up that yes, it might be a little confusing on who this POV is, but I promise it will make sense later on. Don't worry, I have a plan for this.

So... Who is this family?

What's the "big" surprise?

Why did the husband lie about where he was going?

Why did he feel the need to lie?

Here are some questions to think about! Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it! :)

© 2013 by Tori Ploesch. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of Tori Ploesch.

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