Chapter 6

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A/N: I apologize for not writing for a week! I’ve been at school, and it absolutely sucks. The teachers gave a lot of homework out on the second day. I’ve been trying to finish it all before the due date so I can write here. Unfortunately, this might be how it’s going to be from here on; an update once a week. :( I’m so sorry. Anyway, enjoy!

**Recap**  I was about to reply when the doorbell sounded. I looked at the clock on my nightstand, and it said 10:18 P.M. Who could be here this late at night?

            “Who would be here right now?” Chris inquired aloud. Shrugging, I got up and descended the stairs and walked towards the front door. Frowning, I peeked through the front window curtains and saw Ian Ashford. God, why was he here? And at nearly 10:30 at night?


            Hesitantly, I opened the door and braced myself for what’s to come. I knew nothing good would come out of this.

            “Yay, it’s Douche. What the hell are you doing here?” I said not so nicely.

            “Don’t sound too excited Princess. I know I am sexy and all but no need to be so excited to see me.”

            “Just shut up. Why are you here?” I repeated.

            “Well, obviously it’s because I’m lifting your spirits with my presence. I know you missed me,” he smirked.

          His eyes raked my body up and down taking in my outfit. I looked down in horror when I realized I was wearing a white t-shirt that said, “RESPECT THE LEMUR” and a pair of turquoise short shorts that barely covered my butt. I slapped my forehead in embarrassment. Of course I had to wear this outfit. It’s not my fault I thought that no one would pay me a visit tonight!

            “Did you just slap yourself? Oh, and nice clothes,” he winked.

My eyes widened when I remembered Ian was standing in front of me while I was making a fool of myself. My cheeks slightly flushed when I was still standing there not answering him.

            “Shut up. But no seriously, why are you here? For your information, you interrupted a very important conversation between Chris and me.”

            “Oh yeah? And what was that about? Me?”

            “Only in your dreams, Douche, sorry to disappoint.”

            “Believe me, I’m not disappointed since I know the truth.”

            “Whatever. So can I ask for the third time, why are you here at 10:30 at night?” I reiterated.

            “It’s only 10:20, Princess. Not 10:30. And I’m here because you forgot something in detention,” Ian replied while holding out his hand. In his hand was a pen. Let me repeat myself. A pen.

            “Um, why are you giving me this? It’s just a pen I could easily get another one,” I asked while my face scrunched in confusion.

           I was trying to rack my brain for any sign as to why he’d give me a pen. Should I get down on my knees and thank him or something? Maybe he was being thoughtful? Ha, no just kidding. This was Ian we're talking about. He's never thoughtful. All of a sudden Ian bursted out laughing. I furrowed my brow even more since nothing funny happened.  

            “Are you alright?” I asked while looking around trying to figure out why he’s laughing.

Maybe there’s something on my face? Discreetly, I ran my hands over my face but came up with nothing. Maybe something in my teeth? I swiped my tongue over my teeth but again, found nothing.

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