Chapter 7

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            I had four, well technically five, words: THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY. Ugh, it had been a hard week, let me tell you. Volleyball was grueling, as well as my studies. I had 3 quizzes and two tests in all of my subjects, and I had two today. This was what I got for being smart. At least it’s lunch time now; I met up with Chris at our usual spot outside by the tree, or our tree that was. No one sat there but us and our friends.

            Now, I wouldn’t say I was at the top of the social pyramid, but I knew for a fact that I was not at the very bottom. I’d say I was right below the popular people, like the football players, basketball players and the cheerleaders. I was friends with most of the “populars,” so they respected me. Well, except Bethany Mellin. She just grinded my gears, plus she’s a bitch.

Other than that, Chris was respected too. Though, I had to say that Chris was feeding off of my “status” since she wasn’t the nicest person on earth. I still loved her to death anyways.

            “Hey, Chris,” I voiced and plopped down next to my best friend. I grabbed my ham sandwich and water out of my bag. I was definitely not one of those girls who lived off of salads. I did love salads though, but like I said, I didn’t live off of the stuff.  

            “Hey, my young grasshopper.”

            “What is up with you and nicknames that always seem to be for me?” I asked with a laugh. She just shrugged.

            “Did you study for English?” I questioned her. I heard Chris snort and turned my head. I rolled my eyes at her, knowing what she was going to say.

            “What do you think?”

            “I take that as a no.”

            “You betcha,” Chris responded and winked at me. I just chuckled since this wasn’t anything new coming from her.

          I unwrapped my sandwich and was about take a bite when I heard Chris scream, “EW OH MY GOD!”  I jumped about a foot in the air at the outburst.



            “Chris, I can’t see what you’re talking about.”

            “Over there!”


            “There!” She exclaims while pointing to my right.

            “Chris, you are pointing to nothing.”

            “Ugh! You are worse than my grandma!” Chris grabbed my head and swiveled it around and turned it upwards slightly. Ohhh… That’s what she’s pointing at…

            “How could he?! I thought he was joking when he said he had other people to get to before me!”

            Yep, if you hadn’t guessed it yet, it’s the one and only, Ian Ashford. Right now, he was currently sucking face with Amanda Render. It’s been a week, and he’s been with two girls. Well, I don’t know if he had slept with Bethany or Amanda yet, but I was betting you he had done Amanda in the janitor’s closet and Bethany in his car. He was such a man-whore, ugh. I was not necessarily a strings attached kind of girl, but I didn’t want to date a guy just to sleep with him either.

            “Okay, that’s really disturbing. They’re outside in front of everyone! And we’re eating!” I yelled.

            “Well, I lost my appetite now,” Chris said while pushing her food aside.

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