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I genuinely don't understand why some heterosexuals, to defend their stance on gay rights, feel the need to say 'Oh, I have no problem with gays. My sister is gay', or 'I've had friends who were gay, and I loved him/her. I'm, like, so chill with the gays.

Why does one need a gay family member or a gay friend to be okay with gay people? If that person didn't exist or that person wasn't gay, would they still be okay with gay people? It's so weird and unnecessary, not to mention, it does a swell job of convincing me that perhaps that person isn't as chill with the gays as they'd originally stated. And... If they are chill with the gays, it's only because of that one black sheep of the family.

"Aye, baby, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" Danny asks once Lauren opens the front door, immediately pulling me out of my thoughts. He's leaning against the doorway with a smolder. Lauren laughs loudly, and they give each other a quick kiss on the lips.

"Papa locks me up in my room to keep all the handsome young men such as yourself away. He says that no daughter of his is going to be captured in the sweet embrace of sin." She answers in an accurate impersonation of Judy Garland; AKA: Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz.

(As if nobody knows who Judy Garland is. Yeah right. She's a legend).

I roll my eyes at them and try to go back to focusing on the silent film playing in front of Amelia and me.

"Ow, fuck!" Danny shouts, and my head snaps back into the cutesy couple's direction.

"What? What's wrong?" Lauren asks, and I lean my head back over the couch to see how he could've injured himself in the last five seconds. Dumbass.

"Sorry, I just-- ow-- " He limps into the living room and sits in the chair. We all eye him, waiting for him to tell us what's wrong. "I just-- ow that hurts-- I think I just... Fell in love with you."

I gag as Lauren makes the annoying 'aw' sound of a woman in love. This is why I hate the heteros. They are so damn cringy. Sometimes I just want to die listening to what Lauren and Romeo over there talk about. I fail to see how someone can keep a straight face when they say such things.

I mean, sure, I'm used to people saying such things about me, but come on. Have a little bit of self-preservation.

"Where's your mom?" Danny whispers, and I roll my eyes. He should know by now that when this television is on; nobody should be in here speaking. 

It's protocol.

 Not to mention, it's rude to interrupt. Thankfully, Amelia gets the idea and grabs the clicker, turning up the volume as subtly as she can.

"She's at church, praying at the alter-- as per usual-- and Dad's at work." Lauren explains, sitting down in his lap.

I try to tune into the ethereal beauty that is Louise Brooks, but I can't focus on anything besides Lauren and Danny's constant talking. How hard is it to go upstairs and talk to each other? Why must they intrude on the sacred time in this family that is 'watching silent films'?

"Oh..." Danny trails off, and I thank the stars for him finally taking a breath-- "What does he do again?" Are you kidding me?

"He mainly works in plumbing, but his boss offered to promote him to electrics and power early next year. He'll just have to take the proper, unpaid training, which will take time away from his actual paid hours. We don't know if he's going to do it yet though." Lauren fills him in, and I'm seething in my seat.

What. Is. So. Hard. To. Comprehend. About. Necessary. And. Respectful. Silence. While. We. Are. Watching. A. Movie...?

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and I've almost concluded that Amelia and I should finish this move later when everyone is silent. Which, might I add, has never been done before.

Deviation (Book #2 of the Taylor Series)Where stories live. Discover now