"Go get him, he can't leave us here. Leave him here." Liam pushes Louis towards the direction Harry has left.

"What? Why me?"

"You're Louis Tomlinson, no one is afraid of you. You're too sassy to mess with, now go on." Liam gestures for him to go.

"Come on Z, you're coming with me." Louis motions with his head.

"I think we should wait until Harry comes back, I'm sure he won't be long." Niall says, not wanting them to leave.

"If we do, we'll be waiting here until tomorrow when he realizes he never came back for us. Trust us, it's happened before." The Doncaster lad says.

"You waited at a club until the next day for Harry?" Niall widens his eyes.

"Oh no, I meant he never came back." Louis chuckles.

"I would never wait for anyone that long, fuck that." Zayn pushes himself away from the wall.

"I still think we should let them be." Niall hasn't seen his friends in a while and he wanted to catch up. "We need to catch up on a few things."

"Like you telling us that you and Harry are finally together," Louis grins.

"Yeah.." Niall bites his lower lip looking down to hide his blush. "We are."

"Yes! Lad! Get it!" Louis cheers.

"We did see it coming." Liam smiles, he was happy for his friends.

"When is the wedding?" Louis looks at Niall with a serious face.

"Oh my god Louis." Zayn shakes his head.

"There's no wedding anytime soon." Niall says. He giggles when he sees Liam flick Louis on his forehead, he loved their friendship.

"Oi!" Louis pushes Liam away.

"I need a fucking drink." Zayn says before walking away.

"Did you hear about Zay—"

"Hi gorgeous,"

Niall jumps in fright when he feels an arm snake around his waist. He melts into the touch when he sees that it's Harry and not some drunk.

"Shouldn't you be with your mates?" Louis was taken aback to see Harry back so early.

"I am with my mates." Harry smiles bringing Niall closer to him.

"I'm happy that you two are together, you make a good couple." Liam looks between Niall and Harry, he could see in the way the looked each other that they really liked each other, he would even call it love.

"Thank you Li." He looks down at Niall more than happy to hear that Niall told them about them dating. "Do you want a drink?"

"No, I'm not feeling it today." Niall turns so he was facing him, he wanted to go back home and cuddle Harry.

"Dance?" Harry chuckles softly when he sees Niall huff. "We'll stay for twenty minutes and then we can go home, is that okay?"

"Thank you," Niall leans up and plants a small kiss on his jaw.

"Look at them, they're so cute." Louis coos taking out his phone to snap a few photos.

"Let's go dance." Niall takes Harry's hand and pulls him towards the dance floor leaving the other two behind. The dance floor was crowded and it smelled like alcohol mixed with sweat. "Is everyone in here Christian's friends?" Niall yells so Harry could hear him over the loud music.

"No," He shakes his head. "He only invites them because of their fame."

Niall nods even though he didn't really understand why he'd invite people he didn't even like.

"Dance baby,"

Niall tries to dance to the music but he kept getting stepped on by people. Harry would send them a glare and they'd apologize right away. After a few more tries Niall gives up, he wasn't comfortable with this many people bumping into him, one even tried to grind on him but Harry told them off.

"I've got an idea, come on love." Harry intertwines their fingers as he lead him to the loo.

"Babe, if you had to wee you should've just told me. I would've waited for you with the other lads." Niall watches Harry check around then locking the door. "What are you doing?" Niall laughs nervously.

"Not gonna wee." Harry takes his phone out and starts opening the Spotify app. "And you'll see." He smirks, trying his hardest not to blush at Niall calling him 'babe'.

"What if someone is about to shit themselves, where will they go? Haz,"

"Gorgeous," He laughs. "There's other toilets they can go to. Don't worry." He starts to play The One by Kodaline, sliding his phone in his back pocket.

"Harry," Niall whispers knowing the song all too well, one of his favorite ones.

Harry only smiles at him, stepping closer and taking Niall's hands placing them on his shoulders as he wraps his arms around his waist. "I'd rather dance with you in here where it smells like shit than out there where I can't even hold you properly."

"I love this." Niall lays his forehead on Harry's chest as they moved slowly to the song.

"I think I stepped on pee." Harry chuckles, he  feels his heart skip a beat when he hears Niall's giggles. He loved hearing him laugh, it was something that he wished everyone could hear so it could brighten up their day.

"You probably did." He laughs, he looks up at him looking into his forest green eyes.

"You, my love, deserve all the happiness in the world." Harry nudges his nose to Niall's.

"As do you, Haz."

Harry kisses him softly, wanting to show Niall how much he really meant to him through this kiss. With Kodaline still playing in the background they stay kissing, wishing time would stop at this very moment. Everything seemed so perfect.


"Where the hell were you?" Louis glares at the couple.

"Dancing." Harry simply answers.

"Yeah right." Louis scoffs. "And I was flying around the room."

"We need to leave before Nick finds you." Liam rolls his eyes.

"Was he looking for me?"

"He was, but, we told him you left already. So let's go." Louis pushes the couple.

"Where's Z?" Niall frowns.

"He left ages ago."

Harry sends a quick text to Nick and Christian apologizing for leaving so early and not saying bye to them. He gets in the cab with the others, they all lived close to each other, it'd be easier and cheaper.

Liam and Louis were the first to get dropped off. Once they get back to the flat, both Niall and Harry were exhausted they decide to go straight to bed after washing up. Niall shuffling closer to Harry, he loved the warmth that radiated off of him. It soothed him. Made him feel safe.

The next morning Niall is awaken by knocks on his door. At first he ignored it thinking it was someone who accidentally knocked on the wrong door. But after a few minutes he kept hearing knocks he finally gets up. Quickly putting on Harry's top from last night, he was glad Harry was a deep sleeper.

He runs his hand through his hair trying to fix it up a bit, he almost lashes out at the person knocking when he hears the knocks getting louder. "Who the fuck," He unlocks the door and swings it open.

"I-It's you."

Oh my god.


Who could it be?

Thank you so much lovelies for all your support, it means a lot!!


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