I don't want to lose this feeling

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Niall has been trying, really trying to make it seem like he was okay but the more he thought about everything the more he'd feel anxious and upset. He didn't have the guts to call Corey and talk to him, he was too scared.

Niall's parents have been watching him closely nervously waiting for his breaking point to occur, it was bond to happen and they wanted to be there for him.

"Niall? Do you want to go out for dinner?" Maura asks in a hushed tone afraid that if she was too loud Niall would burst into tears.

"Sure," He gives her a small smile, trying to show her that he's okay.

"Lovely! Come on then, wear a jacket it's chilly out." She walks out of Niall's bedroom to the lounge room where Bobby was. "He said yes, let's go before he changes his mind." They've been wanting to take Niall out for the last three days but had no such luck. It hurt them to see their son so sad.

"There's me son!" Bobby cheers when he sees Niall putting on his shoes. "Why don't you invite your friend, Harry?" He suggested, thinking maybe the tall lad could cheer him up.

"Yes! That's a great idea, I really enjoyed having him over." Maura agrees, trying to encourage him to call the curly haired boy.

"I don't know.. he might be busy." He hasn't talked to Harry at all.

"What if he isn't? Call him and you'll find out." Bobby gives him a nod of encouragement.

"Okay," Niall breathes out taking his phone out of his back pocket. He unlocks it before scrolling through his contacts until he sees Harry's name and tapping on it.

"Hey." Harry answers after the fifth ring.

"Hi Harry, are you busy?" He looks between his mum and dad waiting for Harry's response, silently hoping he'd say yes.

"Not at the moment, why?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to join us for dinner, you could meet us at the restaurant. If you want to go that is." Niall hears Harry sigh on the other side.

"Where do you want me to meet you?" He had already eaten but he hasn't seen Niall in a few days and truth was, he missed him. A lot.

"I'm still not sure yet, I'll text you the details."

"Alright, see you in a bit." Harry bids goodbye before hanging up.

"Let's go I'm starving!" Bobby says in a cheery voice.

Niall smiles taking his mum's hand as they walked out, he needed to hold onto someone. It was one of those days where all he wanted was to be held tightly.

Maura notices how quiet he was being so she wraps her arms around his waist instead as they go down on the lift. "I love you hun," She presses her cheek on his shoulder.

"I love you too ma."


"Is Harry here already?" Bobby asks from the backseat looking out the car park to see if he could find Harry anywhere.

"Yeah, I see his car." Niall pulls next to Harry's car and parks.

"He's got a nice one, rich lad isn't he?" Bobby glances over the expansive car.

"Let's not keep Harry waiting," Maura rushes to get out, she hated making people wait. It was rude.

They all walk into the restaurant looking for Harry and immediately spotting him. He was scrolling through his phone, leaning on the wall as he waited for them.

Eternal Flame (narry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon