Please don't leave

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"Niall, baby." Corey fights back the tears that were threatening to spill.

"N-no," Niall shakes his head vigorously stepping away from him.

"I missed you so fucking much." He takes a step closer to him. All he wanted was to have him in his arms.

"Please, no, no.." He whimpers. Why is he here? I'm finally moving on. It's not fair.

"Can we please talk—"

"You need to leave." Niall flutters his gaze down to the floor, blinking away the tears.

"But," Corey goes to protest but he knew Niall needed time. "Okay." He gives him one last glance before turning around and walking away.

Niall finally lets out a sob as he shuts the door, not really knowing how to react. Corey, the one he thought was the love of his life is back, but why isn't he happy to see him? Why is he so scared? Scared of what might happen. Scared of hurting Harry.

He tries to control himself, control his emotions, he didn't want to be a crying mess when Harry wakes up but it seemed like he couldn't hold it back anymore. He walks back to his room wanting Harry to hold him tightly in his arms and tell him everything was going to be okay. Wiping his tears away the best he could not really knowing why he even bothered doing so if the tears only kept coming. It was no use.

"Good morning gorgeous!" Harry smiles brightly at Niall, the smile fading away instantly when he sees the state that Niall was in. He is quick to get out of bed stumbling his way to Niall. "What happened?"

"H-he's b-back," He cries out looking away from Harry's worried eyes.

"What? Who's back?" Harry furrows his brows, he watches Niall cry even harder and he knew who he was talking about. Corey. Who else would it be?

Harry hated himself for not reaching out to the small brunette to comfort him but he just couldn't bring himself to do so. Everything seemed like it was starting to crumble down to pieces. Everything they had was starting to slip away from his hands like sand and he wasn't sure what to do to hold onto it.

"I d-didn't know, Harry." Niall could tell Harry was in a deep thought by the way his forehead was creased. If only he could calm down and tell Harry that Corey being back doesn't change anything between them. The thing is, seeing Corey really fucked him up, all these emotions he's been pushing down resurfaced and now he feels like a shaken fizzy drink. Exploding without being able to stop.

"I think it's best if I leave." Harry starts to get dressed slipping on his shoes, he looks for his top only to notice it on Niall. He feels his heart shatter knowing Niall was never his, and never will be.

"No," Niall takes a hold of Harry's wrist trying to stop him from leaving. He didn't want to be alone, alone with his racing mind. Having someone here with him will help him think straight and stop him from doing anything he'll regret.

"I can't be here, Niall." Harry inwardly cringes at how shaky his voice sounded. He didn't want to show Niall how hurt and broken he really was. He was gentle to pry Niall's hand off as he walked passed him, not caring if he was shirtless. He needed to get away from there.

"Please don't leave." Niall pleads following him towards the door.

Harry turns to look at Niall and he would've stayed with him if it weren't for his aching heart. It was obvious Niall still loves Corey, why else would he be such an emotional mess if he didn't. Niall wanted Corey. Harry knew it from the start yet he still went for it, and now he's in love with someone that will never love him back. Niall will never love me like he loves Corey.

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