"Drink this." Madam Pomfrey instructed giving her a special drink.

After Lyra drank it she calmed down and her eyes stopped glowing.

"Thank you." Lyra smiled at her.

"Sweetheart, if I may give a suggestion?" Madam Pomfrey asked for permission.

"What is it Madam Pomfrey?" Lyra asked.

"You need to talk to Dumbledore, I know you don't want any special treatment. But I looked into your curse. If you don't transform at least once a month the dragon will cause problems." Madam Pomfrey told her.

Lyra knew she was right, good thing no besides them were in the hospital wing.

Lyra asked Professor McGonagall if she could have a meeting with Professor Dumbledore.

"Professor Dumbledore is a very busy man Ms. Malfoy."  Professor McGonagall told her.

"Please? It's important and urgent."  Lyra told her.

Lyra was currently sitting across from Dumbledore in his office.

"Why did you wish to see me Ms. Malfoy?"  Dumbledore asked.

"Professor, I know I said I don't want any special treatment because of my abilities...but as of recently, I've discovered that if I don't transform at least once a month the dragon inside me will keep getting angrier...I can't tame her anymore sir." Lyra said in a weak scratchy voice.

"I understand. Do not worry. I know what needs to be done. Do you wish to transform tonight?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

Lyra nodded.

Lyra came to the common room where her friends were waiting for her.

"Lyra!"  Her friends went to her.

"Hey, guys." She smiled.

"Are you ok? You just ran off." Harry looked concerned.

So did Ron and Hermione.

"I'm fine. I'm just not the biggest fan of dragons." Lyra told them.

They nodded understanding.

"So, we're going to Hagrid's at night want to come?" Ron asked.

"After curfew? Hermione are you on board with this?" Lyra asked shocked.

"We have to ask him about the stone it's important. Even if that means breaking the rules." Hermione told her.

"I'm really tried. Can you go without me?" Lyra fake yawned.

"You sure?" Ron looked at her weirdly.


Now they were really concerned. Lyra never turned down an adventure.

The three had taken the invisibility cloak with them.

"Ok, what's wrong with Lyra. She never turns down adventures. In fact, she encourages them." Ron told them in a whisper tone.

Harry nodded agreeing.

"I think she's still a little scared of Hagrid might be getting a dragon,"  Hermione told them.

The boys nodded understanding.

"I hope she feels better in the morning," Harry said.

They had reached Hagrid's Hut.

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