Chapter 32

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Bunny POV

-after jack and Elsa left-

"Keep your eye out for pitch." North whispered.

"Sandy look over there, I'll look over here." Tooth said.

We kept looking around to see if pitch or any of his nightmares were anywhere.

"It's quiet... too quiet."

"Guys look at this." Tooth whispered.

There was a bottle, but not just any bottle.
It was Elsa powers!

"Let's get it and g-"

Before I could finish my sentence whole swarm of nightmares came out of nowhere.
Sandy used his sand whips but instead of getting destroyed it got stronger!

It's a trap.

Jack POV

"W-what happened?"
I opened my eyes.


"Wait Tooth?"

"What's going on? Where are we?"

"Finally. The guardians at their feet."


Pitch came in.

I wanted to get up and beat him but when I tried to move I couldn't.

"Wait... where's Elsa?"

"Now you notice that she's missing." Pitch smirked.

"What did you do to her, pitch!?" I yelled.

"Nothing. Yet."

"When I get out I swear I'm gonna-"

"Get out?! Very funny. I like to see you try." Pitch smiled as he turned away to leave the cell.  "Oh and by the way, to make things more interesting for my pets... let's try to see you get out of this trap."

As pitch was at the door he pulled a lever.

"Au revoir guardians."

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