Chapter 9

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Why wasn't she scared?

Aren't my nightmares scary?

Instead of being scared she actually was close enough to pet them. My nightmares like her. If they didn't they wouldn't even dare letting her touch them.

But what really got me was hearing her say, "Your not evil. Just misunderstood. I know how it feels like when people think you're a monster."

The people of Arendelle did think she was a monster when she froze everything.

I'm glad she got my little gift. I couldn't meet her when my nightmares were there with her. Sandman was there. Sandy spotting me, he could easily attack.

Now that the ball is coming up. It's almost time to meet her. It would be fun crashing the party, but I'm still weak at this state.

Just a little more fear and I shall return.

Jack POV

- two weeks-


"Jack you know you have to wear these!" Elsa yelled.

"No way I'm going to wear that! I hate them!" I yelled back.

"Jack there just shoes!"

"I hate shoes. In case you didn't notice I don't wear them. I prefer to be barefooted."

"Please. Can you do it for me?" I kissed his cheek.

"Elsa you know I would do anything for you. Anything but this."

"That means you don't love me." I fake pouted.

-time skip-

"I can't believe you made me wear these evil creatures." Jack angrily said.

"It's only for a few short hours. And besides since you did that for me, I'll dance with you." I said as I kissed the tip of his nose.

I do love him. I just don't want him to know I do. It makes me happy to know he would even put shoes on for me. Shoes! He hates them! This makes me feel so happy, so loved.

"The other thing I don't like about balls is that their are so many fan girls after me. But don't worry snowflake, I only have eyes for you."
He kissed my cheek.

I tried so hard to find my blush.

"I like it when you blush."

"Stop it! Your making it worse." I said trying to be serious.

"Jack!" We turned around to see North. "Cupid wants to meet you."

"I'll be back." He smiled.

I stood there for quite some time. No one really asked me to dance. I thought this was going to be good and fun, but... it wasn't.

"Excuse me miss?"

I turned around only to find an old man dressed in a dark grey cloak. The cloak was covering half of his face.

"It's such an honor to be meeting the famous snow queen." He bowed.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"It would make my day if you would accept my gift." He said taking something out of his pocket.

He took out a black tear shape necklace and handed it to me.

"Thank you for the gift, but I'm afraid I can't accept it."

"Please." I could hear the sorrow in his voice.

I slowly took it out of his hand and put it on. "Thank you."

"There is another thing though. That key. Keep it hidden. And it only works at night, I'll send you something that will lead you to the door."
He whispered.

What! How did he know?!

"Mister Wait!" I chased him but he disappeared.

Send me what?


"Did you like the party?" North asked.

"It was ok. I guess."

Tomorrow night.
I'll find out what this key leads to.

I have a bad feeling about this.


Nothing bad will happen to me.


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