Chapter 17

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Elsa POV

It was around 11:00 when I got out. I went into the woods and went to go see Pitch.

I went in but I couldn't see him.

"Pitch can you come out?"

"Of course, my dear." He came out of the shadows and walked towards me.

"I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"A lot of things have happened. The date went very well. I actually enjoyed it. But yesterday Cupid came in telling us that two of her potions were missing. Who would do that? Well if you ask me I think it was Cupid's brother: Dark Cupid. Since he's always been jealous of her work." I explained.

"I would say the same thing too."

After talking for some time I looked at the time and it was almost morning. "I'm sorry Pitch but I have to go back. Believe me I want to stay and talk to you but I can't. So I will be seeing you tomorrow night." I said walking out of his lair.

"I'll be looking forward to it."

-time skip-

"Elsa where were you?" North questioned.

"I was outside spreading some more winter." I lied.

"Hmmm... ok."

I sat down and started reading when I thought
'Why don't I make some tea.'

I got up and went into the kitchen. Once I was done I went back to the room.

"Elsa! I need your help with something!" Jack yelled.

"Alright I'm coming!" I got up and went to jack.

A black figure came in and secretly put a drop of the purple potion into Elsa's drink. The figure smiled to himself. When he heard that she was coming back he quickly hid in the shadows hoping no one would see him.

"Ok jack if you need help with another thing just ask me! Ok!" She sat down and slowly picked up her cup.

"Drink it." He whispered so quietly to himself so no one else could hear.

Just as soon as she was about to take a sip...

"Elsa! There's another thing I need help with!" Jack yelled again.

"Ok! I'm coming!" She got up and went back.

Just as soon as he was just about to get out of the shadows Tooth came in.

She looked and saw Elsa's tea and smiled.

"I am a little bit thirsty. I'm sure Elsa wouldn't mind if I stole her drink." Tooth then picked it up and drank it up.

No! No! No!

"Jack next time you just want me to come in your room just to see me, just ask. Ok?" Elsa said holding hands with jack.

The figure was very jealous. Seeing her holding hands with him.


"Tooth what wrong?" Jack asked.

Bunny then came in.
"Elsa I need your help with-"

"Bunny I don't feel so well." As soon as Tooth said that she fainted.

"Tooth!" We yelled in sync.

"What's going on here?" North said just coming in.

"Somethings wrong with Tooth! She just fainted." Bunny said while holding tooth.

"Mmmmm. W-what?" Tooth mumbled.

"Tooth are you ok?!" Bunny yelled.

Tooth then slowly opened her eyes.

"Tooth?" Bunny asked again.

"Bunny!" Tooth yelled tackling him kissing him all over his face.

"What the heck?!"

"Here! Bunny! Try this it's amazing!" Tooth yelled giving him my tea.

"My tea!" I quickly took it and smelled it. It smells funny.

"Tooth did you drink this?" I asked. She quickly nodded still kissing bunny's face. He obviously looked like he was enjoying it.

I tasted it. It doesn't taste like this.
"North try this. This doesn't taste right."

North took it and tasted it himself. He looked shocked.
"Somebody must of put some of Cupid's love potion in your drink."

"Who would put this in my drink?" I immediately looked at jack.

"Hey! Don't look at me! I would never do that to you." He's right knowing jack he would never do that.

If jack didn't do it....
If Bunny didn't do it...
If North didn't do it...

Then who did?

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