I Miss You, Asshole. - Quinn.

Start from the beginning

"I'm afraid," I admitted.

He snorted, flipped his brown hair, and rolled his eyes.

"I know I sound like a bitch, but it's true!"

Suddenly, Josh's phone goes off.

Shot me out of the sky, you're my kryptonite.

You keep making me weak.

Yeah frozen and can't brea-

"Hello?" he grunted.

Josh left the room quickly and started talking.

What the hell? I thought to myself. Since when did Josh listen to pop music? What was the band called? One something...? Some British band or something. Whatever.

He came back minutes later, blushing bright red.

"Who was that?"

"Oh..um, that was Hazel, actually."

It dawned on me that Josh had set a love song as his ringtone for her. Could it be possible that Josh liked her, too? No. I quickly shook the thought away.

"What did she say?!"

"Whoa, calm down tiger." He laughed. "She asked if I'd come over."

I sighed. "And you said?"

"That I was over here."

"And what did she say?"

"That she was gonna call you next, and to get over there asap."

I jumped up from the couch, searching for some shoes. "Then let's go!"

"Slow down." Josh whined, seeing me slip on shoes, spray myself with cologne, and run outside.

I do slow down for Josh to slowly stroll out. He grabbed my jacket for me. I smiled sheepishly and shrugged it on. We walked down the dwindling road to Hazel's house.

"You have to promise me something," Josh said.

"What is it?"

"Tell Hazel how you feel."

I gulped.

 "You have to." Josh shot me a stern look. "Today."

"Okay, fine." It was either now or never..


We finally reach her street and see her house two doors down.

It was still yellow and gray.


I'm still trying to work up the nerve to ask.

Hazel was sitting on her lawn, dressed in sweats, an over-sized sweatshirt, no makeup, and her hair in a bun. She still looked beautiful.

She saw us coming, her hazel eyes lighting up like a puppy's.

"Hey guys!"

I smiled. "Hey Haze."

She smiled back, her features lighting up. "Come in. It's cold!"

She grabbed our cold hands with her tiny, warm ones and leads us inside. Her house is still nice, clean, and toasty. I was a bit jealous of the family pictures all over the place.

Why couldn't my life be like that?

My mom was hardly around, my dad is a deadbeat, and I didn't have any brothers or sisters. 

Hazel had it all. Even though there was no father mentioned, I could tell he wasn't around. The great thing about Hazel was that she didn't take it for granted. I loved that about her.

"So I hope you guys like cheesy popcorn, because I'm all out of buttered popcorn."

Josh licked his lips. "I love cheesy popcorn."

"Good." She laughed. "Now sit while I make it!"

A couple of minutes later, she comes back with a bowl full of cheese popcorn. She pops in a movie, and sits in between Josh and I with the bowl.

"What're we watching?" I asked.

"The Cabin in the Woods," Hazel whispered, perfectly imitating how they said it in the trailers.

I'm not a fan of scary movies, but they don't particularly scare me. I was into action movies, no doubt. But Josh and Hazel seemed to enjoy the move while chomping loudly on the popcorn.

I felt like the third wheel.

When the movie ended, Haze and Josh hopped up. Josh took the empty popcorn bowl to the kitchen and Hazel went to turn the lights back on. I felt obliged to do something, so I turn off the TV.

"Did you like the movie?" Hazel asked, her hazel eyes go huge with worry.

I smiled lightly. "I liked it."

Hazel smiled back, kissed me on the cheek, and ran into the kitchen.

Why did she tease me so?


There's only 2 chapters left! :O Who do you want Hazel to be with? :)

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