Chapter 25

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Sam didn't know how she got here in Tom's dressing room. She didn't even think she'd go this far in her plan, but here she was and her heart was beating at lighting speed. Tom could walk in any second.

She searched through his stuff then she found it, his phone. She has watched his fingers countless of times when he thought she wasn't looking and she figured out his password. She wasn't that surprised to see that it never changed.

She quickly typed in the password, tessa is cute, and took a picture of Zendaya's number. It's been almost a month since they broke up and Tom's been coping, but any fool can see that he's still in pain.

Sam placed him phone back where she found it and bolted out of his dressing room.

"What were you doing in there," she froze then she turned around to see Harrison.

"I really don't see how that is any of your business," she said.

"So I can go and tell Tom that you were in there?"

"Harrison please don't," she begged with a sigh,"believe it or not I'm trying to do something good-"

"Evil witches never do anything good," he said and she chuckled.

"Tom forgave a me long time ago... it's not fair that you keep throwing that in my face...I did my time and you have no right to use it against me," she said defending herself.

"I will keep reminding you untill you are out of his life forever!" Harrison said and Sam could feel tears form.

"I don't want to be known as the girl who broke Tom Holland in the past... I am gonna fix that because believe it or not I did love him," she said then she turned around and ran away.

Sam went to her car and screamed. Things were coming back to her, the past. She didn't want to remember them she just wanted to move on, but she did love Tom and she hurt him and she was gonna make it right.

They were done shooting The Greatest Showman and it has basically been a month since their breakup.

"You know Zendaya you need to start packing for the press tour," Darnell says throwing her suitcase on her body.

"I wanna sleep get this thing off of me!" she moaned, "Darnell! I don't wanna go and be fake with that some of a-"

"You're gonna have to so pack up you guys are leaving tomorrow so," he left the room and she rolled her eyes.

Suddenly her phone rang.
"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey... Zendaya?" the person asked.

"Yeah... Who is this?"

"It's Sam, please don't hang up," the girl said and Zendaya paused. Sam? Who is tha....ohh.

"Where did you get my number," she said getting mad. This girl was the worst of Tom's exes. She didn't know their story, but she know that Tom hated to talk about her.

"Please hear me out. I don't know why I'm calling you or doing this, but I've don't some bad thing and I just wanna do this one thing right," she begged and Zendaya sighed.


"I know you're not in the mood to do anything with your upcoming press tour, but I know that you and Tom are end game... It's inevitable. You're good for him Zendaya. He stares at his phone all the time with his finger hovering over the call button wanting to talk to you. He clams up when people talk about you and Zac-"

"What do you want me to do about that?" She said.

"I don't know! Talk to him maybe!? You have a gem Zendaya and if you don't open your eyes and see it soon you're gonna lose him. I don't know what happened between you and I don't know you, but I had the privilege of knowing him and he misses you," Sam babbled then she hang up.

Zendaya frowned. The whole call was just random, but it made sense. She did have a gem and she's been a little petty if she had to be honest. She been pushing her feelings away and tried to replace it with work untill she forgot about them, but this call brought it back...that pain she felt in her heart she wanted to forget about.

She's been trying to blame the media, her fame basically everything except her own fears. Tom was different and he made her feel different. The press ruined everything and she didn't want this to be another one so she acted dominant and tried to take control over their relationship and that was wrong.

Zendaya felt her hands shake. She could  all him now if she wanted too, but maybe he was asleep.

"Zendaya you haven't done anything!!" Darnell yelled and Zendaya looked at him startled.

"Deesha..."he rushed to her in concern,"are you okay?"

She felt her cheeks and they were wet.
"Shit I'm crying," she muttered wiping her cheeks.

"I can see that," he said taking her hands.

"I miss him... Darnell I really do," she said and he sighed.

He knew she's been trying to throw herself into her work to try and forget her feelings, but he knew this day was coming.

"Come here," he hugged her and she sobbed.

"I'm gonna fix this," she said pulling back picking up her phone and she dialed his phone number.

She groaned then threw her phone on her bed then started packing.
"What's wrong?"

"His line is busy..." She says and continued to pack.

Tom sighed and fell back onto his bed. He tried to call Zendaya's phone to talk to her, but her line was busy. He felt like everything was in their way.

He got up and went to the kitchen to make himself some tea. It was late, but he was wide awake. He looked at the calender and froze.

One word kept spinning in his head. "premiere" Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now