Chapter 12

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Zendaya took out her phone and went through her Twitter feed. Tomdaya was trending and the amount of fan account dedicated to Tom and Zendaya was shocking.

People really wanted them together and the way they freak out it so adorable. They probably don't realize that Zendaya have read all the blogs, fanfics and tweets about them and its sweet really.

She read this one fanfic of them. Something like 'Thinking of a name' or something like that. She has to be honest that Zendaya in the book is living out actual Zendaya's sexual dreams.

Zendaya laughs.
"What's so funny?" Darnell asks.
"Nothing just people and they're vivid imaginations," she says throwing her phone on her bed. Packing up more of her clothes.

"You ready for Paris?" Darnell asks.
"You mean the junket?" Zendaya says.

It was time for the press tour and the first stop that Zendaya is going on is to Paris. Then three more stops then she comes back home and Tom goes on to other places for the press tour.

She's already missing him like crazy and they haven't left yet.

"Yeah, can't wait to go to Paris again," he says helping me pack,"are you two gonna go one of those quick romantic walks?" He teases then his face fell with realization.

"Yeah sorry Z," he says packing in silent.

Zendaya sighs and stops packing. A romantic walk in Paris. That's every girl's fantasy even Zendaya's but that won't be able to happen, that's just one of the prices you have to pay when you're in a secret relationship.

Z picks up her phone and scroll through all the adorable selfies that she'll never be able to post because of the secret.

She walks out of the room briefly brushing past Darnell to the kitchen and calls Tom.
"Hey love what's up?" he answers immediately.
"Nothing just packing," she says with a chuckle.

She climbs on top of the counter.
"I can't wait for the tour...I haven't been in Paris before," he says excited.
"It's really beautiful," she says.

"Z why did you call?" He asks after a brief silent.
"Nothing it's just...Darnell said something and I just wanted to talk to you that's all," she says.

"Tom what is this!?" A voice says in the background. A female voice.

"Who is that?" She asks.
"It's just Laura. Her and Jacob is here," he says and she calmed down immediately. He wasn't alone with her.

It wasn't that's she didn't trust Tom, she did. She trusted him with all her heart and she loved Laura they were friends.

But she's been acting weird now a days exspecialy around Tom.

"Zendaya..." I here him say.
"Yeah I'm here," I say and we start talking about meaningless bull. That's why I love talking to him so much we can talk about the silliest bull and still never get tired of each other.

Later that night Laura came over in a hurry.
"Zendaya I need to tell you something!" She says pulling Z to the couch.

Zendaya looked at her confused while sitting down with Noon on her lap.
"What's up girl?" She says.
"This is going to sound so crazy, but I think..."

"What?" Zendaya asks curiously.
"I think I like Tom," she says and Zendaya freezes.
"Uhm you sure? When did you start feeling this way?" She asks shocked.
"A few days now," she says and Zendaya put on her best fake smile.
"And because your such a good friend of his could you maybe talk to him for me. I told Jacob and he just became weird and tried to talk me out of it, but you'll support me right?" She asks and Zendaya felt like punching her.

Laura likes her boyfriend. Her boyfriend! According to Laura she's doing nothing wrong and to the rest of the world she's doing nothing wrong because Tom is "single".

"Zendaya..." she snapped out of her thoughts.
"Laura its late," she says.
"Oh yeah ok...goodnight I guess," she gets up and she leaves. Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now