The New Source

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"Are you out of your mind?!" I said, glaring at Chris.

"Shh!" he said, pulling me down behind a rock. The underworld was exactly what it sounded like. It was like a huge maze of rock caverns, and it was crawling with demons.

"Why the hell are we down here?"

"To find out who's after you." he said looking over the rock to see if anyone had seen them.

"So I'm meant to run out and shout 'Okay if you want me come and get me!'? I don't think so." I said.

"No, we're gunna corner the Swarm King, you're going to freeze him, then unfreeze his head, and we'll threaten him from there."

"What about the other 10,000 demons?" I asked.

"You're going to freeze them too." he said.

"Oh joy."

"Okay, so on the count of three we jump out and you freeze them."


"1, 2, 3 - go!"

We jumped out from behind the rock and the demons turned their heads towards us.


I flicked my hands and the demons stopped where they were.

"Nice work." Chris said.

"Why didn't the sisters come with us?"I asked.

"Because they would never of let this plan go ahead."

"So they would think that it would be too dangerous? Great. I thought you didn't want me to get killed!" I said, staring at him in disbelief.

"Of course I don't! This is just the only way to find out who's after you. Anyway hurry up and unfreeze the Kings head. We don't have much time." Chris said.

I walked over to the King and unfroze his head.

"What the hell? What happened?" he said in a startled voice.

"She froze you, get over it. What we need to know is why your after Blaze." Chris said, pulling an Athame out of his pocket and holding it to the demons throat.

"I have no interest in her. But the person who hired me does."

"Who is it?" Chris said.

"And why should I tell you?"

"Because if you don't, I'll kill you." Chris said, pushing the knife against his throat.

"What's the point. He'll kill me if I tell you."

"Yeah well at least you can live a few hours longer if you tell us."

"Very well." The demon said. "The person that is after your witch happens to be the Source."

"That's impossible. The Charmed Ones vanquished him two years ago." I said.

"Yes, that is true. But there is a new Source."

"Who is he?"

The demon looked like he was about to say something, but then he made a choking noise and burst into flames. All the other demons burst into flame as well.

I jumped back, startled by what just happened.

"What the hell was that?!" I said.

"Must be the Source. He probably doesn't want people to know who he is." Chris said.

"That's if the fact that the Source is after me is true." I said.

"We don't want to take chances so let's get you out of here." he said grabbing my arm.

We orbed back to the attic and I yelled out to the sisters.

"Piper, Pheobe, Paige!"

"What happened?" Piper said, walking in. Pheobe and Paige joined her.

"We found a new lead on who's after Blaze."


"The Source."

"The Source? But that's impossible, we vanquished him years ago." Piper said. Pulling her long, dark hair out of her eyes.

"Apparently there's a new one."

I sat and listened while Chris explained what happened to the sisters.

"You did what?!" Piper said when Chris told her they had gone to the Underworld.

"It was the only way to find out who was after Blaze!" Chris said, backing away from Piper as she neared in on him.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because you would never of let us go!"

"That doesn't matter, Chris." Pheobe said. "One of you could have gotten hurt and we would have no idea what happened."


"Did you find out who this new Source is?" Paige asked.

"No. The demon got vanquished before he could tell us."

"Who vanquished him?"

"I don't know. It's like he vanquished himself."

"Or maybe the Source did." Paige said.

This is great, I thought, just great.

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