Swarm Demons

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"Well this is just great." Chris said, sighing.

"It will be okay Chris." Leo said.

"No it won't, those demons only get hired by powerful upper level demons, and they're after Blaze. So, Leo, please tell me how it's going to be okay." Chris said.

"Guys enough." Pheobe said, rubbing her temples. "Your emotions are driving me insane."

"Sorry." Chris and Leo said at the same time.

I was lucky that I could control my empath power. Poor Pheobe had to put up with it all the time. Without saying anything, I orbed up to the attic to check the Book of Shadows and see what demons were after me.

I walked over to the book and started flicking through the pages.

"Found them." I muttered.

I started to read.

Swarm Demons.

The demonic line of evil known

as Swarm Demons are pack

hunters of the Underworld. The

Swarm Drones follow the orders

of their King without question

and often sacrifice themselves for

the good of the collective body.

To Vanquish the Swarm Demons

Demon swarm that serves as one,

Vanquish him from which they come

Chris walked through the door just after I had finished reading.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned expression.

"I'm fine, I'm just finding out who those demons were."

"And did you?"

"Yes, they're called Swarm Demons. It say that they are followers of the Swarm King, and that they obey every order without question. They can only be vanquished if you vanquish the King." I said. "I thought you said that they were demons for hire."

"They are."

"But they only take orders from the King."

"Yes, I know, but the King has absolutley no reason to attack you, let alone even know you exist. So some one must have hired them. And the King is pretty up him self, so he would only let the most powerful demons hire him and his drones." Chris explained.

"Oh, that would make sense. But how do you know all this?" I questioned.

"I had a run in with them in the future."

"Speaking of which, why didn't you go back when you had the chance?"

"Because I didn't know what I was going back to. And being here is a much better life than my old one. And besides, I would miss you guys to much. And it's fun watching myself grow up." he said smiling.

I smiled.

Pheobe, Piper and Leo walked in.

"Okay, what did we miss?" Piper asked.

Chris explained everything to them.

"Well our main priority now is to find out which demon is after Blaze." Leo said.

Every body agreed.

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