Emperor's Anger & Princesses Reunite

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Been a while, sorry guys! 

The Commander struggled against the droids that forcefully dragged him through the halls of the main fleet, where an enraged Emperor was waiting impatiently. As the door opened the Commander promptly ceased his resistance and gulped slightly at the piercing gaze Zarkon shot his way. He was forced to his knees before the throne, a cold robotic hand shoved his head down in a sign of respect before the Commander was allowed to look up at his Emperor.

"It has come to my attention that my daughter has miraculously resurrected, escaped your custody and is now in the company of the Paladin's of Voltron," Zakron spoke calmly, the venom and threat still clear in his voice. "Are my accounts of what happened correct, Commander Lerax?"

The Commander wet his lips anxiously before he spoke, glancing to the Witch that stood motionless by the throne where the Emperor was perched.

"She sent our coordinates out and fled in an escape pod before I had the chance to flush her out." Lerax explained desperately before defending his actions, "I was told she was dead, had I known I would have-"

"-Had you known?" Zarkon interrupted with a bout of spite, voice raised to a booming pitch. "Are you suggesting my information was not enough for your imprudent brain to station at least one guard at the door?"

"Of course not, my Emperor," The Commander shook his head, bowing his head in apology before snapping his head up. "I'll track her down at once and bring her back to you!"

"You've done enough," Zarkon lifted his chin slightly as he denied the man his redemption. The Emperor clasped his hands together as he watched the lesser Galra before him plead silently for his wellbeing. "Take him away, find out what he knows then dump him somewhere I won't have to see his face again."

The droids picked the Commander up and dragged the protesting Galra away, Zarkon turning to the Witch ignoring the man's cries of horror as they echoed through the halls.

"Find her," Zarkon ordered rising from his throne, adjusting his arm armour, flexing his fingers casually. "And if she happens to be in Lotor's company, kill him."

Haggar's eyes widened beneath her cowl at Zarkon's added command, staring at the Emperor for a moment before she nodded silently and left the room. Zarkon strolled towards one of the large paned windows, his armoured fingers tapping gently against his thigh as he thought, narrowing his eyes in irritation. The Emperor left the throne behind as he headed to his study, pushing those out the way who dared walk his path. He planted himself in his chair glancing over the vast amount of paperwork on his desk before he swiped his hands angrily over the surface causing the papers to fling into the air before fluttering to the ground. Zarkon growled low, grasping the red and white jacket that refused to fall from the corner of his desk and crumpled it tightly in his fist, removing the red Bayard that he had placed in its pocket.


Lance stood by Hunk's side as they watched the Galra Princess emerge from the Red Lion, both Paladin's gulping as her striking hues landed on them even if it was for a mere moment. Nara let a smile grace her features as she scanned her son's companions before she found Rarg standing next to Coran and Allura. She paused in her movements as she absorbed the nostalgic look of the Altean Princess. It had been too long since she had laid eyes on the shining blue of the Altean Princess hues, or the obvious red hair of the woman's royal advisor amazed that they had not changed since the last time they had spent time together ten thousand years ago. Nara glanced beside her as Lotor came to her side, her attention taken to the small trinket in the palm of his hand. The surprise and recognition that came forth had Nara gazing at her brother in astonishment.

"You've kept it all this time?"

Lotor nodded in reply and offered it to her, Nara delicately taking it before heading out the lion's mouth and approached the Altean's, ignoring the vast height difference, unable to stop the large smile from crossing her lips as gazed at her childhood friend.

"I did not think I'd ever see you again," Nara spoke which had Allura hitching her breath at the beautiful and familiar tone before breaking out in a smile swiftly bringing the woman into a long-awaited hug. The others watched from afar as the two Princesses reunited after so long, both giggling as Nara presented to Allura her homemade trinket. Lance nudged Keith who came to stand beside him and smiled happily at him. Keith huffed contentedly, shaking his head at the Blue Paladin as he crossed his arms before returning his gaze back to his mother. The Galra Princess was shaking Coran's hand, speaking fondly to both of the Altean's before she addressed the Galra Druid who was unhooded and smiling in relief at the woman.

"Rarg, I can only thank you for all you have done," Nara bowed low, smiling as Rarg approached her and grasped her hands tightly.

"I thought you dead, we all thought you dead." Rarg shook his head at her, "To see you alive and well is more than what I can ask for."

The two shared a short hug before the Galra Princess turned to face the unknown Paladin's. As she approached with Coran, Allura and Rarg beside her, Nara smiled at her son who couldn't help but smile back.

"These are the Paladin's of Voltron," Allura introduced them one by one, Hunk automatically bowing in respect, flushing red as Nara insisted he rise. Lance flirted to his heart content, wincing as Keith elbowed him hard in the side, the Red Paladin scowling furiously at him. The Blue Paladin sighed in response, rolling his eyes before he turned back to Nara who was smiling in humour. Pidge shook the woman's hand enthusiastically, absolutely thrilled to finally meet her.

"You are Matthew's sister, yes?" Nara noticed the resemblance immediately to which the Green Paladin nodded smiling at her brother down the line. When Nara found herself standing before Shiro eyeing the large prosthetic arm in shame she bowed her head for a moment. "I must apologise for what my people did to you, I hope you will not judge us all the same."

Shiro blinked in shock at the Galra Princess, glancing at Lotor who had furrowed his brow at the unexpected apology. The Black Paladin quickly squashed the woman's apology but thanked her nonetheless, assuring her that he did not think all Galra were the same. Nara smiled at the man before taking a step back to address them all.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet the Paladin's of Voltron," Nara bowed towards them before she turned her attention to Allura, "Now, what is the plan to remove my father from the throne?"

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