Higher Ground

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After listening intently to Allura and Kolivan reluctantly explain their master plan, Lotor had wanted to laugh. Instead, he kept the offensive bubble of a snort to himself and asked with interest at what had been bugging from when Allura began speaking.

"Why the Black Lion?"

"As bait?" Kolivan rose a brow as Lotor nodded. "Zarkon seems to be obsessed in reconnecting with it. He'll go to the ends of the earth to retrieve it."

"Perhaps his desires have changed since then?" Lotor proposed. Allura could see the cheek in the Galra's eye, practically begging them to ask.

"What's changed?" Allura gave in, hand on hip her whole aura leaking irritation.

"The reveal of a new heir." Lotor folded his arms. "I've been ordered to bring Keith back. So I'm thinking if you change the Black Lion with the Red one, then perhaps you have a chance. But may I suggest something?"

"You will anyway," Allura muttered to herself rolling her eyes as Lotor continued.

"Have you thought of perhaps retaking the Galra occupied planets? If you gain more allies, you'll have a higher chance of victory."

"Why are you helping us?" Shiro asked, brow furrowed in suspicion.

"My mother and father killed my sister in cold blood and bound her into a lifeless machine." Lotor's eyes darkened and his voice turned cold. "They have no concept of right and wrong, power is everything. I do not stand for that. As I have told Keith, I am here on my own behalf. Please, let me aid you."

There was a small moment of silence before Pidge found her voice and stood firmly by Lotor's side, arms crossed in defiance.

"Let him help."

"Pidge?" Allura blinked in astonishment, words unable to be produced as Hunk situated himself behind Pidge.

"He deserves a chance."

Lotor hadn't realised he had made such an impact on the two fleshlings, perhaps human emotions were more prominent, quicker to surface, easier to imprint on. The Prince turned his head, eyes finding identical yellow and watched the Red Paladin walk forward and positioned by his side, their arms brushing slightly against one another.

"What could possibly go wrong?" Keith snorted, smirking at the happy smiles of the Yellow and Green paladins, all three of them turning their defiant stares to the astonished defiers.


"Do you think he's okay?" Ezor bit her lip, turning to her fellow Generals.

"This is Lotor we're talking about." Zethrid snorted slapping the girl on the back in reassurance. "He's fine."


The four women jumped in fright before turning to the large screen that projected their Emperor, his presence despite it being a projection caused the four to shiver unintentionally.

"Sire." The generals spoke in unison, placing a hand on their chest before bowing in respect.

"Where is Lotor?" Zarkon snarled, watching the women glance nervously at each other. "I said, where is Lotor?"

"He's indisposed at the moment." Acxa took the lead, keeping her face nonchalant, hoping the Galra King wouldn't divulge further in the questioning.

"Well when my son has the time, ensure he contacts me with a thrilling report," Zarkon spoke darkly his tone of voice bored and dangerous.

"Vrepit Sa."

The screen vanished a moment later and the Generals all but sighed in relief.

"What are we gonna do?" Ezor held herself, "He's going to find out eventually."

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