He led us to another hallway and opening a door, he said loudly, "Welcome to our humble abode, ladies."

"You do realise that abode means a place where you live, right?" I stated as I stepped inside the room with Penelope behind me.

"Yeah, but we all practically live here anyway," said another voice.

The voice belonged to a tall, red-head, wearing a black Children of Bodom band t-shirt and denim jeans ripped at the knees, lounging on a black leather couch with his arms behind his head. I would've called him arrogant by the way he was sitting, but he had a friendly smile gracing his lips that reached his green eyes.

"Girls, this is Hayden, our drummer," Jake introduced his friend, thumping him on the head.

"So, which one of you is the chick that sings frigging good, according to Jake here?" Hayden said, smirking at Jake who narrowed his eyes back.

I felt my cheeks heat up. Jake talked to his friends about me?

"That would be Rebecca here," said Penelope, pointing at me with a grin.

"Yo peeps, don't forget me!" said someone I hadn't noticed before on the far end of the room.

The black-haired guy slung his guitar behind him and walked towards us. He was wearing a grey hoodie and black track pants with pink sneakers. At which I noticed Penelope raising her eyebrows. Seeing her line of vision, he looked at his feet and then at her, "What?" he asked, puzzled.

Jake and Hayden burst into laughter, to which the guy looked even more confused.

"Girls…this is Kurt…" Jake said between his guffaws.

"Named after Kurt Cobain, guitarist of - " Kurt started saying proudly.

"Oh, shut up you pansy, you're not named after Kurt Cobain," interrupted Jake.

"Pansy?" Kurt exclaimed indignantly, putting his hands on his hips…and looking more like a pansy than ever.

Jake pointed at Kurt's shoes as Hayden started rolling with laughter.

"Dude…pink?" Jake said dubiously.

Kurt huffed as Penelope and I joined in on the guys' laughter.

"So, what? Real men wear pink…hmph."

I heard the door open and another male voice said loudly as he bounded inside, "Oi, is that lazy bum here yet – oh, he is."

"Hi, I'm Leon," he introduced himself, waving at Penelope and me.

If I had thought of the other guys as tall, Leon was the tallest. He looked around six feet, with spiky chestnut-brown hair and blue eyes. He had a sharp, handsome face with a pointed nose and thin lips. His baby blue polo shirt and white shorts showed off his broad chest and strong arms and legs.

Did all the good-looking men decide to form a band or something? I thought, as I smiled at Leon and Penelope said 'Hi'. Kurt and Hayden weren't near Jake and Leon in the looks department, but they both had certain features that any girl would fall for. Hayden had that bad-boy attitude with an earring in his left earlobe, but a round, plump face and a smile that melted arrogance away. Kurt had more of a square shaped face and a scar on his eyebrow, but I think any girl would fall for his goofy nature. However, they paled considerably when it came to Jake and Leon. Those two were just…hot.

The guys started setting up their instruments, as Penelope and I took seats on the couch. The practice room was indeed quite lavish. It was padded, soundproof and the floor was covered with a maroon carpet. There was a bar at one corner and a flat screen TV was fixed to the wall facing several beanies.

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