Chapter 18

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KANIA, TIMON, AND Rilad sat in Rilad's favorite bar, where he and Timon had met. Kania had to admit it was an awesome place. Hidden in the basement of a run-down apartment block, it was where the people met who weren't so lucky to be on the RSW's and thus the taxpayers' payroll. Timon warned her to come in civilian clothes; RSW uniforms were frowned upon in this establishment.

The theme of the bar revolved around famous science fiction novels and movies. Plenty of space ship models and action figures were on display openly. The more precious pieces hovered in glass shrines around the walls.

"How did you find this bar, Timon?" Kania half shouted over the bar's thumping dance-music.

"By accident. I was driving through town, sightseeing, came by this place and thought I'd check it out."

"Nah, I don't believe you, but it's a cool place." She downed a drink.

"Why don't you believe me?"

"Stop bickering, celebrate!" Rilad said and took Kania's glass. "What'ya want?"


Rilad nodded and programmed the drink dispenser on their table for a Blue Cros. Kania had no idea what was in it, but it was good, sweet, and heavy.

"That's the thing, I can't really celebrate," she said.

"Why not?" Rilad shoved the refilled glass towards her.

"It smells foul. If I were the RSW, I wouldn't let me back onto the Gen."

Her suspension had been revoked. She was supposed to resume work the next day, same days-off schedule as Timon.

"Why, because you're an FTS mole after all?" Rilad asked, grinning broadly at her.

"No, I'm not, it's just... ah, I don't know." She was half drunk, this was her fourth Blue Cros.

"Well, my guess is this young man here ain't innocent about your re-admission into the illustrious circle of enlightened Gen workers." Rilad cuffed Timon's arm.

Timon looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on, Timon, tell her who you are."

They were all a bit drunk, but Kania felt a sobering revelation around the corner. Secrets and lies wherever she looked?

"I'm Timon Feihn, from Angreius."

"Yeah, and who's your big uncle, Timon?" Rilad cuffed his shoulder again.

Timon turned pale. "How the hell do you know--"

"Oh, come on! I'm a hacker, man, I snooped around a bit. It wasn't at all difficult to find out, any amateur could."

Kania felt a bit queasy in her stomach. "Who's your uncle?"

Timon sighed and stared into his glass of whiskey.

"I know you won't believe me, but I got where I'm now by myself. I worked hard for this, and it's my achievement, nobody else's."

"Yeah, sure you did," Rilad said.

"Who's his uncle?" Kania was reaching the end of her patience.

"Soinat Alander, baby, Soinat Alander," Rilad said. "His mom is Lorin Alander, Soinat's little sister, who happened to marry a dude named Feihn."

Kania's jaw dropped. She stared at Timon who preferred to study his whiskey glass.

"Is that true?"

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