Chapter 16

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IN A MULTI-PURPOSE room on deck 1 of the Gen Timon faced Doctor Lariv Jinla. Kania had told him about the lie detector test. Timon was thrilled that she bothered to contact him. He might have a chance with her. Now, two hours later, he faced the doctor.

"Thank you for coming here, Crewman Feihn," Lariv said with a warm smile.

Timon almost said, "Did I have a choice?" but caught himself with some effort.

"Of course, Dr. Jinla."

"This is my first time aboard the Gen and Liffa Pentrus granted me a special favor for my services, which is a ship's tour. Since you are a structural engineer, you're a perfect guide for such a tour. Here are the authorization codes."

Lariv produced an e-pad from her doctor's coat, which she handed to Timon. On its display flickered a whole array of codes. Wow, the RSW must like Lariv Jinla. They gave her access to almost the entire ship for half a day.

"Your supervisor is already informed and you're freed up to show me around. Shall we go? I'd like to make the most of my half day tour."

"My pleasure, Doctor." Timon got up. "Where do we start? Tube or habitat?"

"The tube, if you don't mind, engine section."

"Of course. Please follow me."

With a broad smile on her face, Lariv headed for the door.


They rode down to the hub, then took the tube's train towards the engine section. During the ride, Timon couldn't help asking.

"Am I under special scrutiny and is me being your tour guide part of your investigation?"

"Frank questions get frank answers. Yes. There's your connection to Kania Lurdh, of course. Then there's the tiny little fact that you talked to Liffa Pentrus about your kinship to a certain public figure. And there's one more thing." Lariv made a long pause during which she looked at Timon who decided to say nothing. "Does the name Dalek Madrew ring a bell, Timon?"

"Dalek Madrew?"

"Yes, Dalek Madrew."

Timon scratched his left hand with his right. "It kind of sounds familiar, but I can't place the name. Can you give me a hint?"

"Home, Angreius, when you were a child."

Timon drew in breath. "School... I think there was a kid called Dalek in my elementary school."

"You're quite right. What do you remember about him?"

"Troublemaker... leader of a little gang. Smart but wild. A bully. He always fought with the teachers... and the other kids."

"That's quite a lot you remember."

"Yes, because I was one of the kids he bullied."

"What did he do?"

"Well, nothing horrific, we were kids. He put a big, fat, living toad into my desk once, and it jumped onto me and then all over the classroom causing havoc, stuff like that. How do you know him?"

"How funny. When was the last time you saw him?" Lariv asked.

"When we were twelve, then we attended different schools after elementary."

"Ah, I see. To answer your question, Dalek was, or is, an FTS member, a small courier, and he has been in my custody for about a year."

"Holy Tral! Well, but, yes... fits his profile. Troublemaker and all."

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