Chapter 4: She's Back

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Normani is sitting in the couch watching the news about Lauren.

“Superstar Lauren Jauregui was spotted earlier today in the Marriot. She was running bare foot according to some witnesses—“ the reports says.

Normani’s attention to the news is cut off by her buzzing phone.

It was Simon.

She inhales deeply and answer the phone. As expected he was looking for Lauren and he ask the woman what the hell is going on with Lauren. A knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

“Simon. Hold on. This might be her”. She peeked on the peephole and saw Lauren leaning to the door.

“Yep. I got her. It’s her. I’m gonna call you later” she replied to Simon.

Lauren went back to Normani’s hotel room still bare footed. She knocked and the girl open the door immediately. Once she entered her room, the girl is watching the news about Lauren’s mini-scene running the streets of Tampa.

The singer walks pass her; she immediately throws herself at the couch and asks for a cup of espresso.

“Oh! Espresso? Okay. Okay. How about basic outwear, huh? Like shoes? Hmm? That little jog of yours is all over the TV, Simon called me like five times” Normani told her with an irritated tone.

“Publicists live for this stuff, Mani”. Lauren replied.

“Well, apparently record labels do not! Not to mention everyone’s wondering when you’re gonna step messing around and deliver these new songs you owe them” The dark skinned girl shot back at her.

“I’m just. I’m dealing with some writer’s block right now” the singer replied as she curled like a ball at the couch.

“Dude, I’m telling you, you can’t keep putting them off” Normani tell her calmly.

“Alright Mani”

“We have a meeting set with the label- wait, hold on” Normani told her but cut off when her phone rings from her purse.

“Oh crap. It’s Demi Lovato. I gotta get this. Should be fun"

"Hey, Demi. What’s up girl?” Normani answers the phone as she walks to the other room.

Lauren still can hear Normani talking to hot singer she is going to have a collaboration for the hot singer's upcoming album. She can tell that Demi is anxious about the songs they gonna make together because they are not starting to make one. But her mind is far from doing new song and creating new melody. She cannot find herself.

The old Lauren who sits alone and in a matter of minutes or hours will came up with new music of her own. She feels alone and lost.

Lauren is still curling like a ball at the couch. The TV is now reporting a news and it caught Lauren’s attention, she shifts position and turned her attention back to the TV.

“Terrible accident took place near Leesburg this morning. The 27-year-old councilman Will Bracey of Ocala was driving on his way to a city meeting at approximately 7AM when he was struck by a drunk driver. That driver is said to be in critical condition but unfortunately Bracey did not survive. The people of Ocala is holding an open vigil at their church tomorrow. This was the third incident this month...” The news continues and flashed a picture of Will Bracey on the screen.

But Lauren suddenly cannot hear anymore, she is sad. Her friend died! She cannot believe it.

Although she loss contact of her friends’ back home but she still cares for them. Lauren stands up, throws the remote on the couch and begin to walk her way to the door.

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