19; Fulfilled Needs

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Beverly let out a small moan as she tugged on his hair, his teeth biting just above her collarbone. Not too hard, but just enough to leave a mark on her pale skin.

She pushed him back on the bed, a small grin on her face as she straddled him. She helped him pull off his shirt, tossing it so that it landed on top of one of the many boxes on the floor. She went to take off her own, the boy grabbing her wrists. "Wait."

Beverly sighed and looked down at him, dragging her hands through her tangled hair. "What?"

"Are you using sex with me to get over Aiden, or to dull the pain of finding out you have a whole other family and the fact that you lost both of your adoptive parents and your biological sister?"

"I don't know, are you using sex with me to dull the pain of two of your packmates being dead and that your alpha pretty much dumped you, or to distract yourself from the growing feelings you have for your friend's ex-girlfriend?" Beverly countered, cocking her head to the side and raising an eyebrow. He nodded slowly, almost to say touché. "That's what I thought. Just take off your pants, Lahey."


Beverly clipped her bra, brushing her hair off of her shoulder and looking at herself in the mirror as she stood in her underwear. She turned her body slightly, examining the aftermath. "Jesus, that's going to bruise."

"Sorry." Isaac shrugged, craning his neck to look as he pulled up his pants. He could see where his fingers had pressed into her hips, the shape outlined clearly due to how hard he had gripped them. There were also the tiniest holes, evidence of him losing control and almost sinking his claws into her skin. "Still learning control."

"Oh well." Beverly huffed, picking up her jeans off the ground and sticking one leg in at a time. She yanked them up her her hips carefully, zipping them up and buttoning them.

"Did you want me to go with you?" Isaac tossed her her hoodie, Beverly catching it and shaking her head.

"I've got it." She slid her arms in first, pulling the hoodie over her head. She frowned at her hair in the mirror, grabbing a hair tie.

"It's not everyday that you go decor shopping with your newly found birth mother." He had already put his shirt back on, grabbing the cardigan that had been slung over her desk chair.

"Well, most of the things in my life aren't everyday, normal things." Beverly replied, pulling her hair up into a ponytail. She groaned when the elastic broke, snapping against her finger. "Fuck, that was my last one."

"How's your training with Deaton going?"

Since the memorial, Deaton had been educating her to become a Druid like him and her father. It was a pretty common for Seers to be Druids, their powers usually aiding werewolf packs and other supernatural creatures.

"Good." She grabbed a couple of bobby pins and stuck them between her teeth, her words coming out warped as she braided her bangs back. "Allison has started helping me study."

"Does she ever talk about me?" Isaac asked, raising his eyebrows hopefully. Beverly just narrowed her eyes at him through the mirror. "What?"

"You're an idiot." Beverly sighed, pinning back her bangs and examining her hair. She smoothed down the rest of her hair in an attempt to make it less poofy before giving up. She turned around, crossing her arms. "If you like Allison, talk to Scott, ask her out on an actual date, and stop having sex with me."

"One, I'm afraid of Scott actually killing me." Isaac retorted, counting on his fingers. "And two, who would fulfill your needs?"

"Trust me, I don't need you to fulfill my needs." She snorted, grabbing her purse and her phone off of her desk.

"Then who, Stiles?" Isaac asked, making her roll her eyes. "Oh please, like you don't know he has the biggest crush on you."

"Whatever." Beverly swung her arm towards the door, blinking at him expectantly. "Come on."

"I thought I'd hang out here for a while." Isaac shrugged, laying back on her bed and putting his arms behind his head. Beverly reached over and picked the roll of tape off of her desk, throwing it at his stomach. He groaned at it made contact, the boy sitting up. "Jesus, I'm going."


"What about pink?" Marian suggested hopefully, her husband interrupting before Beverly could even reply.

"She doesn't seem like a pink kind of gal, honey."

"How about this one?" Beverly offered, pointing to the palest shade of pink on the swatches. Her biological mother smiled, holding the paper to her chest.

"Erica would have chosen that color too." She said softly, grabbing the pen out of her purse and circling the shade number. "James, honey will you go get some of this, I wanna take Bevie to go look at the bedding section."

"I know it's what you used to call me, but I'd kind of prefer if you didn't use that nickname." Beverly gave her an apologetic look, trying to be as polite as possible. "I just associate it with a really bad person, that's all."

"Oh, of course." Marian patted her arm softly, the two of them walking towards the bedding aisle. "Is Bev okay?"

"Bev is perfect." She nodded, giving her a tight lipped smile as they reached the aisle. The blonde woman picked up a comforter, holding it up for approval.

"How about white, it'll go well with that pink you picked out."

"Sounds good." Beverly agreed, trying to look as excited as possible. She wasn't really one to care about aesthetic, but it was obvious her mother was. Everything about the woman screamed put together, her joyful demeanor not matching someone who had recently lost a child.

"Now, I'm thinking that we should redo the backsplash in the shower in your bathroom, just for the heck of it." She laughed, Beverly nodding along like she even knew what backsplash was.

This was definitely going to be a large adjustment.


Not edited

What are some things you want to see in 3B?

And whether you ship Bev+Isaac or Bev+Stiles, don't worry bc you can just call me Hannah Montana. (Best of both worlds, get it? I'm gonna leave now)

Also, Erica's parents were never named except that her dad's name started with a J, so I'm just using the names I made up in the Heartless series lol sorry

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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