04; Dead Bodies and Detention

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"I hate my mom." Bev slammed her locker shut, zipping up her jacket. "I hate my mom."

She made her way out of the girls lockerroom, rolling her eyes at the whispers and stares that followed.

"I also hate my classmates." She shoved her hands in her jacket pockets, staring at the ground as she walked towards the trail.

"Hey, Bev!" She looked up to see Stiles stumbling over, a panicked look in his eye. "I have a question, which is gonna sound really weird and you're probably gonna punch me, and if you want to, it's completely"

"Spit it out."

"Are you a virgin?" Her facial expression didn't change, the blonde just blinking at him.

"Are you?" She raised an eyebrow, Stiles sputtering as he tried to find an answer. "Because I could fix that for you."


"No." Bev snorted, shoving his shoulder. "But no, I'm definitely not-"

Beverly paused, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. She knew she wasn't a virgin, but she couldn't remember who or how it happened. When she tried to think of it, her mind came up completely blank.

She shook her head and blinked, looking up at Stiles. "Not a virgin."

"You're gonna punch me now aren't you?"

"Not if you walk away." She shrugged, Stiles nodding frantically and walking backwards.  

She took a deep breath and continued to walk to the trail, tripping over a rock in the process. The blonde hissed in pain, pushing herself up off the ground.

When she finally stood, she came face to face with a miraculous jaw line and piercing blue eyes. "Whoa, okay, hi there."

"You're supposed to be dead." The stranger seemed distraught, his hand running through the mass of curls on his head.

"What are you-" Bev didn't get to finish her sentence, two sets of hands grabbing her upper arms and dragging her backwards. "Nice chatting with you, but I have to go it seems."

The boy's face hardened into a glare as she was pulled away, Beverly finally yanking her arms out of Aiden and Ethan's grasps.

"Stay away from him." Aiden muttered, his eyes cold as she rubbed her arm. "Got it?"

"Yeah, whatever." Bev rolled her eyes, crossing her arms defiantly.

"We mean it." Ethan growled, making her laugh.

"Look who finally speaks to me." She scoffed, shaking her head. "I'm gonna go get lined up."

Ethan winced, his jaw clenching as she stalked off. Aiden let out a sigh and turned to look at him, the twin throwing his hands up in defense.

"Your girlfriend, not mine."

"Not my girlfriend." He muttered, walking over to the starting line, where he stood on one side of Isaac.

"Don't talk to him, he said." Beverly mocked quietly, kicking at the dirt. "Then he goes and buddies up with him."

She was seriously contemplating sweet talking the coach into letting her quit the team, when he blew the whistle and the others took off, leaving Beverly momentarily stunned.

"C'mon Erica, pick up the pace." Coach clapped his hands, Bev letting out an annoyed huff of air.

"Not Erica!" She countered, jogging ahead onto the trail. The others were far ahead of her, and once she was out of Coach's sight, she slowed her pace to a walk.

Soon enough she came to a fork in the path, the girl rocking back on her heels and clapping her hands together.

"Eeny, meeny, miney, moe." Bev hummed to herself, picking the path she landed on. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and searched for reception, so she could call one of her old friends and complain. "Of course there's no service out here."

She let out a sigh and shoved her phone back into her pocket, looking around at her surroundings.

Bev froze when she saw the body tied to the tree, a gasp escaping her lips.

It was like she was drawn by a magnet, the girl having no control over her feet as she walked forward, her hand outstretched.

Her fingers brushed his cheek, a shock running through her body as an image flashed in her mind.

A face, pale and torn up, with its mouth wide open as it emitted a scream.

Bev screamed herself, the girl stumbling back in shock.

It didn't take long for people to come running, the blonde shaking as she stared at the murdered boy in front of her.

She let out another shriek as someone grabbed her, her arms lashing out to hit them. Aiden held her still as she thrashed against him, pulling her aside.

"Bevie, stop." Once she realized it was him she took a deep breath, covering her face with her hands. "Are you okay?"

"I just found a dead body, how is that okay?" She hissed, moving her hands to stare at him.

"You have a point." Aiden sighed and let his hands fall back to his sides, taking her saracasm as a sign that she was okay.

● ● ●

"Can I go?"

"Your mother requested you have a counseling session after what you witnessed this morning." Morrell replied calmly, folding her hands together. "I'd have to agree."

"Yeah, whatever." Bev stood in front of the kitten poster, her arms crossed. "I'm fine."

"You can sit, if you'd like."

"No thanks." She shook her head, poking the glossy kitten's nose. "I'm good."

"How are you adjusting to a new school?" She moved onto her first question, Bev glancing over her shoulder.

"Fine." She shrugged, letting out a huff of air. "Just fine."

"Even after finding a dead body?" Morrell raised an eyebrow, Beverly wandering over to her bookshelf.

"Not the first time." She replied nonchalantly, running her fingers along the spines.

"Right, Marshal Hunt." The counselor nodded, watching the girl carefully. "Your father."

"You act like I don't remember you, Morrell." The blonde sighed, glancing over at her PhD. "Is that real?"

"I'm sure you do." She chuckled, shaking her head. "Your father and I were close."

"I don't feel like reminiscing." Beverly sighed, knocking one of the books off the shelf. "Oops."

"Beverly," Morrell began, a warning tone to her voice. The girl just shrugged and knocked another one down, followed by a bookend. "Miss Hunt, if you don't quit I'll have to assign you detention."

Detention meant not spending lunch with her mom and being coddled.

Detention, meant meeting new people to get in trouble with.

Enough detentions meant getting expelled, and not having to deal with dead bodies on a morning run.

Bev smiled at Morrell, her hand reaching up and knocking down two more books.

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