Rain Ninja, Aoi

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We finally got on a boat. Apparently Idate noticed the storm clouds and he had this prepared ahead of time. Sasuke was driving the ship, and the other 2 were tying down the sails. I leaned against the mast and watched Idate. "Why did he leave the village anyway?" I thought.

"You were in the final round of the Chunin exams?!" Idate suddenly asked Naruto.

"Yeah, us three were." I said pointing to Naruto, Sasuke and myself. "I'm actually a Chunin right now." I said.

"You must've had an easy proctor." Idate scoffed. "The level of the Chiunin exams dropped so-" he stopped and covered his mouth.

"Actually, your brother was a proctor." I said smiling at him. "Morino Ibiki was the proctor of the first exam." I said.

"Ibiki-nii is alive?!" he asked us.

"Why wouldn't he be?" I asked him.

"He gave me the weird problem on the 10th question.." Naruto said.

"Us, he gave us." I corrected Naruto.

"He really is alive?!" He asked and an arrow whizzed past his face. I turned to see behind us was another ship.

More arrows were shot and I quickly deflected it. "Naruto, (Y/n) and I will take care of them. Sakura take care of Idate." Sasuke said.

"Too late." I said as they shot arrow with ropes attached to them.

I waited for them to board, but they didn't. I frowned and saw them all come from the ship. I dodged a clone as it jumped at me. I felt something fall on my face. I touched my cheek. "Oil.." I muttered and looked at the other ship. "Idate, you'll have to swim the rest of the way!" I said jumping over a water clone, cutting it, and it fell back into a puddle.

"What?!" he asked and the enemy shot a fire arrow at us. "Just go!" I said and after convincing him, he jumped off. The 3 of us jumped in after, and we swam the rest of the way. "Rain ninja are annoying." I sighed and we continued swimming. Naruto suddenly went under.

"Naruto!" I dived under and swam after Naruto. I saw the 3 rain ninja. They made water clones and began dragging us all down. My hands were being held by the clones, so I couldn't make seals. Naruto made a bunch of clones and I saw them gather at the bottom of the ocean. I realized what they were forming on their hands.

"I am NOT going to enjoy this.." I thought as I got caught up in the whirlpool. I closed my eyes and felt the clones disappear. I quickly swam upwards and took deep breaths when I got to the surface. I decided running was faster than swimming. I got on top of the water and began running. I reached the sand and sat down, exhausted.

"We have to meet up with Idate." Sasuke said and I followed them.

"Sakura, how's your arm?" I asked her.

"It's fine." she said looking at her arm.

"Good, at least it wasn't poisoned." I smiled and then it began to rain.

"Hopefully the enemy didn't get to him." I said and we finally found him. He was on the ground, while a rain ninja stood over him.

Sakura went over to Idate. I did as well, and checked over his injuries. He wasn't bleeding anywhere, but he was bruised up.

"Can Genin-level ninja fight against me?" he asked.

Naruto and Sasuke went to fight him. He jumped above them and sent a forceful stream of water on them pushing them to the ground. He then landed on the ground and scoffed. "So that's the extent of your level after all. I'll use the same method I used on Idate, and send you all to hell." he said and jumped up throwing needles at us. I easily dodged, but the others weren't so lucky. "Of course you would be able to dodge that, Namikaze-san." he smirked. "Those are poisoned needle made specially by the hidden rain village. They will send your friends to hell in a few minutes."

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