Morino Idate

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The next few days Sakura and I would be visiting Sasuke. She'd always bring flowers, I didn't really bother to bring anything since he doesn't exactly need anything other than company. The doctors say that Sasuke still isn't well enough to leave the hospital, so its upsetting that I have to come to the hospital so often. "You're here again?" he asked as I opened the door.

"Oh, so I should stop visiting?" I asked sitting in my chair and pulled a snack out from the bag I brought and ate it as we talked.

"You should be going on missions and training instead of visiting me all the time." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm taking a break." I said and handed him a bag of chips and he ate it.

"The nurse is going to be mad if she sees me eating this." he said.

"If you're so worried, don't eat it." I said and he just smirked.

"How are you feeling anyway?" I asked him.

"Same." he said and I got him a glass of water.

"I see." I lay my head down on his bed and yawned.

"Hey, you can cook right?" he asked me.

"That's random." I said putting my head on my hand looking up at him.

"Hospital food is getting boring." He said and I laughed before poking his cheek.

"It's supposed to make you feel better. What would you like to eat?" I asked him.

"omusubi" he simply stated. "Tuna." he added.

"So, tuna omusubi?" I asked.

"Yeah, hospital doesn't have it." he said and I just laughed and nodded. 

"I'll bring some tomorrow, okay?" I asked and he nodded. The days after that, I would cook food for him to eat and we would talk, or at least I would. He would scold me or lecture me about not training and slacking off and that I'm going to be weak if I keep slacking. He basically complained the entire time.

When he finally got better, we got a mission. I was a chunin, so technically I didn't have to go on this mission, I could've been assigned a different one, but I decided to take part in this one. Kakashi was on a different mission, so I was in charge of the 3.

We basically are the bodyguards of a racer from the Land of Tea. We walked the whole way. I walked behind the 3 and Naruto talked the entire way.

"Let's take a break!" Naruto declared. "Look a teahouse!" he said and ran off.

"Might as well. I'm sure the 2 of you are hungry and tired as well" I said and we walked into the teahouse. I sat next to Naruto, in front of me was Sakura who was sitting next to Sasuke.

"Welcome!" the old lady said placing down our tea.

"Ma'am, I'll have sweet bean soup." Naruto ordered.

"Then, I'll have dumplings!" Sakura said, "What about you, Sasuke?" She asked.

"Jelly." is all he said.

"I'll have Jelly as well." I said and she nodded before going into the back. 

I glanced to the side as someone from the back of the teahouse walked up to us. "Having sweet bean soup when it's so nice outside. The ninja profession sure is carefree!" He said. "Things must really be peaceful for the Leaf Village." he said. "Oh, I didn't know there were such cuties here~" He flirted with Sakura and I. "I'm Morino Idate, what's your names?" he asked.

"Ah, Morino." I realized he was Morino Idate, Ibiki's kid brother. I recognize the name from the exams, and just from memory.

Naruto ended up blurting out our names, "Sakura and (Y/n), what good names.." he looked at the 2 of us. "Why don't we talk about our future?" he asked. Sakura blushed, but I just rolled my eyes.  

I casually reached for his arm, and he turned to me smiling. "I'm sorry, but I think you should leave, right now." I said and put my mark on his wrist.

Naruto got up and started to yell at him and I let go of his arm. "Idate here, hates ninja!" he said referring to himself, "If you wander around the Land of Tea anymore, there'll be a price to pay!" he yelled and left as the other 3 were arguring.

The old lady gave us our snacks and 2 receipts. "2?" I looked at her.

"The man from earlier said you'd pay for him." she said kindly.

"Ibiki's paying me back." I thought as I pulled out my money, taking the extra check and left it on the table.

I quickly ate my jelly and grabbed my things. The others did as well, and we began chasing after him. Well, they did, I just followed after them. "This is taking a while." I said and stopped. The 3 stopped in front of me.

"Why'd you stop?" Sakura asked me.

"Come here." I said and they came over to the place I was standing.

"Hold on tight." I smiled and wrapped my arms around all 3 of them and flashed us to wherever the guy was. We all landed on a tree and we found Idate on the ground below us.

Idate got on his knees and apologized for leaving us with the bill and saying he had no money. He then took off the weights on his legs, and ran off again. I sighed as the 3 chased after him again. "... idiots.." I shook my head and we regrouped and continued to our destination.

"Jirocho, nice to meet you again." I said bowing my head and we talked about the mission. After all that, he introduced his racer. The door opened and oh and behold, Morino Idate was there.


The morning of the race, I yawned and rubbed my eyes as the 2 racers got ready. "Sakura, what's the course?" I asked leaning on Sasuke.

"We start here, at Degarashi port, then head for the midway point which is Modoroki shrine. The fastest way from here to the shrine is by using a ship, after that you take one of the 2 Ryuko's jewels and head for the finish line on Ouzu Island." she explained.

"Those are the only rules, so shortcuts, obstructions and secret maneuvers are allowed." I said.

Sasuke pinched my cheek to wake me up, "So hiring a ninja is not violating a rule either." He said and I pushed his hand away and stood on my own and stretched some more.

"So, who are the ninja the other side hired?" Naruto asked.

"Probably hiding and checking the situation." Sakura said.

"You guys can relax and watch. Don't follow me around!" Idate said to us as he got in position.

The race then started and the announcer said the names of the 2 racers. When they started running, we followed after. Idate made a turn instead of straight for the ships.

"This'll be so much fun." I thought sarcastically and followed after Idate. 

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