“yes, why do you think I would say no?”

“no” he said changing to the other thigh

That’s the last time I heard him speak. I woke up and saw that it is almost dark. Orange and red color sky reflects to the sea. It’s breathtaking to watch the scenery. Hmm I prop my elbow and feel lighter, the massage really did help me to ease the stiff muscle. I rotated my neck, shoulder, ankle and stand up. The blanket slid down from me and I saw myself to the mirror half nude I quickly grab it back and cover my self. I need a good bath to take the oil on my back its sticky and slimy. A knock on the door make me quickly fasten the blanket around me.

“whose there?” I asked

“its lora, liam told me to check on ye!” lora shouted behind the door “ill guide ye there to the bath house, the servant busy so they cant prepare a bath for you there lass.”

“yes, im coming out” I pick the clothe liam give my before the massage. And went for the door.

Loras have the same mannerism like my brother stomping her right foot impatiently.


“no need to apologize, I know yur body still a bit stiff. You need a hot bath” she said “let go”

I nodded and followed behind. While we were walking on the hall I notice the house is large and made of stone. The ceiling is high and the floor is smooth granite. Hmm how a pirate can afford such luxuries. They also have a garden in the center with a pond; the style of the house is a bit Greek with infused Asian furniture’s. I know this because brother did have a story and he own some china set in his room. He doesn’t want it to be used only for display. It use gold on its complicated design and silver. He treasures the entire thing he bought when in hes on the voyage. Thinking this makes me missed so much I think its been two weeks ive been gone away to Arden.  I front crash to loras back because she stop walking and have a questioning look I just shake my head no. she opened a double door and saw the massive bath and a falls near it. Wow is all I could say inside my mind.

“here this will be yer clothes” she hands me the clothes.

“enjoy yer bath scar” she then leave the room  “ don’t forget to lock it, liam tend to barge inside with checking if someone using it, or just leave it be if want some company.” She wink at me and I blush hard thinking him see me naked.. I frantically shakes my head and she laugh leaving me behind. I locked the door not really wanting some disturbance while enjoying my bath.

                I remove my clothes while walking taking them off one by one and drop it to the floor. I step to the water and feel it real hot but not scalding hot, it’s a spring type. I submerge half of my body and sit to the stair inside the pool. I saw coconut scented soap and shampoo, beggar doesn’t choose so I used it. Im enjoying scrubbing my body and massaging my scalp to remove dirt. The smell of coconut is alluring like liam. Wait did I say liam? I snapped out my bubbles and proceed to rinse, I dive inside the pool for a minute and emerge again.

                “this is bliss” I though pirate are barbarian and doesn’t respect women but I’m wrong for that assumption. The moon shines brightly giving me the view of the area I float in the middle of the pool enjoying the star and the sky. thinking of that made me remember something. Why does the sword gleam back then and no one even notice it, it heal and gave me strength that I need in fight but after using it my whole body collapse , I used it four time and the effect is the same. My brother Arthur didn’t told me about this, that the sword is a magical one and another puzzle on my list to be solved.

I stand in the middle of he pool I sigh..i cup water using my right hand and raise it. It fascinates me while the water trickles down from my hands. I chuckled from this as I began to sing.

life as escaped princessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя